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I had the opposite once. Girl on the phone was very flirty, then she actually delivered the pizza herself and it turned out to be a weird girl who used to work for my mom

I was making out with a girl I met at a party and she told me to take my shirt off. Then she made a face and said put it back on.

I canโ€™t tell you how many times Iโ€™ve delivered pizzas and the women didnโ€™t have money.

Bro went from a potential rom-com to a full-on tragedy in one pizza order. Truly *meirl* vibes.

Congratulations on having such a sexy voice!

she probably thought he was cute

Yep. Iโ€™ve got a voice for radio, and a face for radio too.

Me when I talk to someone online they like me and then I show them my face and they block me

She was hoping for a Luigi, but instead she got a Peewee.

This gives me “I tried dating but my face won’t let me” vibes.

When I worked at Wendy’s I worked the drive thru. One day these two cute girls pulled up, paid and as I was getting them their change, the driver leaned over to the passenger and asked (whispered) if she thought I was cute. The passenger said “kind of”.

This was in 1997.


Oof size: large

Being ugly is its own special kind of hell

I can’t be the only one who’s read this five times and doesn’t understand. ;__; Help

During my first bought of cancer, I needed to have surgery to remove a cancerous mass in my right ovary to prevent it from spreading. I was 19 at the time and my surgeon was also a teacher who allowed students to be in the OR for training purposes. They had asked me if it was okay, and I thought, why not, it’s interesting and educational. When he bought the students in, there were 3 young guys probably around my age at the time. And I knew they had picked my case just for the fact that they would be able to see a naked chick, as soon as the doctor pulled my curtain back, I watched the disappointment spread across 2/3 of the faces when they realized I am in fact NOT a skinny/hot chick and instead am a fat ugly girl and they would have to be staring at my fat ugly body the whole time gave me some satisfaction. However, 1 of the 3 boys were actually super professional and nice, he came and sat at my bedside before and after surgery and even asked to take a look at my incision, I hope he is doing well.

She probably realised โ€did i romanticise about a radio voice?โ€

Does post nut clarity work the same for females as it does males?

I was working at domino’s in 2019

I absolutely hate my fucking life

I’m literally famous …

Did she want a pizza you?


Once I bought some silly socks and the older woman got all excited and said her single daughter loved stuff like that.

I regret not asking for contact info but also the mom hookup is odd for people in their late 20โ€™s.

What did I just read? Did I have a stroke recently?

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