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There was also a time when the computer wasnt a fuckin snitch.

As I’m sitting in a recliner with an open laptop warming my lap and reading reddit on my phone.

The PC tower used to be tucked away, now it’s on full display with transparent cases and RGB, people really like their desktops nowadays what are you on about

I spent way too many hours playing Warcraft 2 on a setup not too different from that one.

Unironically such a fire setup

Fun fact about that desk (and any like it in that time period) – that shelf certainly isn’t big enough for a printer, your PC will likely be 3 inches too deep for the PC space, the monitor won’t fit all the way in, the drawer won’t close without hitting the F keys on the keyboard, and it’ll all bow and warp after 6 months.

But we bought them, dutifully.

I don’t get it? I love my pc

It’s 2012. I’m sitting playing Age of Empires II on a beast just like this.

Suddenly I hear a strange noise from those exact speakers. A sequence of odd beeping. “— — — ——–”

My flip phone rings.

How did it know…?

My affluent friend had one of these. Six of us would gather around to watch his older brother play RuneScape… until the egg timer went off and we had to go play outside. God forbid we spent all day inside instead of playing cricket in traffic or wondering around the neighbourhood aimlessly.

I remember putting a cover over the monitor and keyboard when ever I finished using the computer.

I can’t say that. That computer had so many porn viruses. lol.

Stupid mouse cable always getting stuck on the back board in the most inconvenient moment while harvesting tiberium.

A majestic desk, designed by people with absolutely no legs to speak of.

Dear god, those “bubble jet” printers sucked monkey balls.

I just looked over my shoulder to make sure my mom wasn’t sneaking around to read my aol chat.

I remember putting together these desks. And then i remember taking them apart and taking it to the dump.

There was a time when the monitor was 50 pounds. We had to respect it.

This was a goal

If I don’t get an entire separate room for my office, my PC sure doesn’t.

Yeah but it fits in my pocket and is 1000x as fast now

i’m too young for this

I miss this kind of setup.

So true

My Vic 20 had the same setup.

My monitor is sitting on a foldable table with the PC tucked under it. I promise I respect it though

Ok but where can I get a desk like that again??

Go look at Computer prices adjusted for inflation in the 1980s.

A PC/Apple2 cost 5-6 grand base. The keyboards alone cost $400

The Mac/IBM AT cost like 10 grand

When the Commodore 64 came out it was like $1500

The Sinclair Spectrum, the cheapest computer pretty much ever and didn’t even have a proper keyboard cost the equivalent of a PS5

You respected those damn computers because they cost more than most new motorcycles.

Saw my first beheadings in my teenage years
on one of these bad boys. 😀

I remember thinking this looks like a sweet setup

I’d love something like this but a bit modernized to fit bigger screens

A god worthy of it’s altar

But not the floor below the computer

OMG I had that exact computer desk!

Fuck I’m old… 🤣

Ah the hours of html games played on one of these

The computer wasn’t an integral part of your life at this point. It was an extra, it was a talking piece, it was more like a bookshelf, or a display stand full of knick-knacks, it was full of unknown and undiscovered knowledge, or reflected your dreams and desires, without any real connection to them.

Most people had a setup just like this, but most people hardly ever used it. Or didn’t know how to really use it, or what to do with it. You tried to set it up to look like it was a productivity station, because you didn’t know how to actually be productive on it. Today we just sit and use it. We already know what we need to do and how to be productive.

How many of these CDs are apps that were bought with the intention of being productive, but were only installed once and then never used? But my CD-KEY is right in the bottom right drawer. I have everything I need to be productive RIGHT THERE. If I wanted it. It’s all setup and good to go. I just don’t know how.

This took me back further than I expected it to…

Heather Brooke anyone?

There was a time we respected a lot of things, now only some things it seems

When the internet was a physical place with time limits.

Nowadays, a SIKKK GAEMING DESK looks like a flat top with spindly legs, but with a little clip on the back for some cable management.

I can’t stand to see the way people treat their laptops today

Jobs paid enough to buy all that stupid shit back then.

Sammy jump in front of a fuckin truck!

Praise the machine spirit

The lost enjoyment of loading the PC with “the game”, AKA the disc.

Hearing that disc spin up was such a dopamine hit.

then the voodoo (GPU) nation attacked supplied with endless AOL sign up cds we found games and porn.

We’re just in the Hot Rod age of computing.

RBG is the “spinning rims” of modern computer design.

Fancy, yes, but, cleaning one of those types of desks sucked.

God that looks so productive. 10/10 would love to recreate this with a better monitor

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