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Wtf is a 500k honeymoon. Just buying a house in a new country and living there?

Rather get rid of people who have 500m weddings so I stand a chance at having 500k someday

Bezos’ wedding is costing $500m not $500k. Wrap your head around that.

Have your 500k and spend it, too.

How does this have like 4000 upvotes and only 8 comments?

Rather be a billionaire.

I just went to the courthouse and then stayed at a Hilton for the weekend. Good enough.

Fair fuckin point

How is a 500k honeymoon even possible? Just live there bro LOL

How so few comments

You can’t sell a honeymoon after divorce


HAD a cheap wedding and honeymoon and bought a house instead.

500k invested over 20 years according to one web site

Year 2044 Value: $2,123,925.55

I’d gladly go to McDonalds for the wedding reception and holiday inn for the honeymoon if I can keep the rest of the 500K. 

Fuck it, I’d take $250,000.

I could’ve have either or both. I chose “keep pretending ur poor”

I’m not poor but my cat poop monarchy might say diffetenrtly  . 

if i had to pick, i would pick the 500k wedding. either way, once the event is over, all you’re gonna have is memories. at least with the 500k wedding, you can share it with many.

Didn’t bezos just spend 600 million on his wedding? Y’all need to up your game.

If I’m spending 500K that honeymoon better last for 10 years.

$500k honey money is moronic

$500k wedding is moronic

$425k after the wedding and honeymoon in the bank = not moronic

500k is nothing without something to change your life with with it.

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