Member states of the World Health Organization, 2025

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The sovereign state of Alaska has chosen to stay in, good for them


what is that grey landmass in the west? can we annex it? it looks useful

Why is Taiwan a different color? Where is the legend? 

Source: [Wikimedia Commons]comment image)

oops for alaska, though the map’s not mine.

North Korea : 1 – USA : 0

Allow them to be independent. If they want to treat cancer with dandelions and electric shocks, let them do it. Just feel sorry for the citizens

Just need Myanmar and Liberia to drop out and you have the Imperial measurement system buddies.

Even North Korea in WHO but not USA

I saw this map coming… Why, America?

That’s one way to cede power to China and the countries you say you’re trying to keep away from having world power.

Why doesn’t Herr trump like WHO?

Poor Taiwan only has a delegations

What is blue???

MWHO now?

Most of the World Health Organization?

Liechtenstein, explain yourself

Alaska has seceded as an independent state to avoid Trump

North Korea is in WHO??

Can they play comfortably numb?

I also checked “Democratic People’s Republic of Korea isn’t in the list for Western Pacific. Update the map OP.

When did I miss the Alaskan Civil War?

Now show the map of countries that benefit from who. Afterwards let’s compare who pays vs who receives.

Imagine being the idiot in grey here

Hmm guess what, and they said USA is the best country in the world..

Yeah, well, we’re exceptional, don’t you know. (Reality: GRRRR)

Alaska is part of the World Health Organization?


The US really just getting rid of fact checkers everywhere.

Our health is the last thing they care about. The World Health Organization is complete bullshit

WHO: There is no evidence of human-to-human transmission of Wuhan’s novel coronavirus.

Who else remembers it but me?

Did you colour in Alaska by mistake?

Hey best korea is there too!

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