Members of the 101st airborne use bayonets on pro segregation students

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For those confused about this picture: [](

– The Little Rock Nine was a pilot project to desegregate U.S schools so they took nine black students with good grades and enrolled them in Central High School which was a white-only school.

– Every single day the Little Rock Nine were teased, assaulted and dealt with protests against their attendance.

– The governor of Arkansas actually made an order to use the National Guard to block the Little Rock Nine from entering the school.

– This reached President Eisenhower who then ordered the 101st Airborne division as you can see in the picture to ward off those protesting against integration. **The people in the picture are segregationists who DO NOT WANT black people to enter their schools.** The owner of the Dallas Cowboys, Jerry Jones, was one of those protesting integration.

– “2, 4, 6, 8, we do not want to integrate!” was the most popular chant.

A first person account of this is written by one of the Little Rock Nine, Melba Pattillo Beals, in her book Warriors Don’t Cry. I’d recommend reading it.

**EDIT: Since my comment has had a lot of attention I’ll let everyone know that this story had a happy ending:**

**- Only 3 of the Little Rock Nine graduated Central High School and the rest including Melba transferred to another school because they couldn’t take the harassment anymore. They all grew up to have successful careers, though.** **One of them even served in Jimmy Carter’s cabinet.**

**- Melba would go on to marry a white service man.**

**- Governor Bill Clinton of Arkansas hosted the Little Rock Nine at the governor’s mansion in 1987. He would then visit the school as President of the United States in 1997 and was greeted by a black student who was the student body president.**

**- The Little Rock Nine appeared on the Oprah Winfrey Show where some of the students who bullied them would apologize to them.**

**- Jerry Jones never really owed up to being a protestor and said he was there to see ‘what was going on’. To be fair, he was only 14 when this happened and at that age you’re very susceptible to peer pressure.**

Jesus. Misread the title then was blown away by the comments. Reread the tile and agreed with all

Is this from 1957 in Little Rock?

Actual American values

I think the most concerning thing about this thread is how many people are so bad at reading comprehension and historical literacy that they think the 101st is the one being racist here. The Army was busting up racists. Eisenhower sent a premier light infantry division of the U.S. Army to clear out bigots stopping Black kids from going to school, and some of yall are reading this backwards. OP’s title is correct. The confusion here is embarrassing.

Badasses at home and abroad

‘Use bayonets’ and ‘threaten via bayonet’ are two different things.



Imagine being a racist pro-segregation piece of shit protesting against integration within schools and then finding out that motherfucking Eisenhower is sending ***THE*** 101st Airborne, the same group of badasses that dropped into Normandy, to make sure integration happens.

May this be the vibe by the end of 2025.

This is how it is done.

Just spoke with a member of the 101st, he tells us that they stayed for 90 days and slept in the stadium the first night. After that in an underground parking lot. E company 327th

Back when Eisenhower was president.

Did you know that there’s little daylight between the policies of Republican Eisenhower and Bernie Sanders?

That’s how far to the right our country has gone

How soon America forgets. Convenient.

Now they all walk hand in hand skipping and showing their hate for all to see

I wanna see the 2025 remake of white supremacists getting bayoneted. In the nuts!

Fighting nazis, home and abroad. “Screaming eagle sounds”

goddamn — could the 101st be even ***more*** awesome???

This is what they need to do to pro Nazi scums today.

My dad was 101st Airborne 💪

I like that the guy in the foreground looks like he’s crying. Great job 101st!

~~pro segregation~~ worthless bigoted students

About as old as Musks AI warriors- who can do more damage.


You’ll be seeing this again in a few months

ahhh now i feel even prouder having served under 101st.

See – things can get better- I’m keeping faith that this governmental slip up will pass with more lessons learned. This awful period where people were segregated is over – good won and will again.

This is where we are heading again

“Aw shit, here we go again”

Antifa at its finest.

My grandfather-in-law was a rifleman in the 101st during this, but says that due to his dark complexion (he was Latino), he was kept back from confrontation with pro-segregation protesters. He still, decades later, complained bitterly that he had been sidelined from making history due to his ethnicity.

This is 100% why Trump got so far in his original presidential run. He came right out and said racist stuff. The south has been butthurt ever since Brown vs Board of education.

This is why they want public schools destroyed.

In Jim Crow days it was “separate but equal.” With desegregation, white couldn’t have their own schools. They’ve never forgotten that federal troops were called out to desegregate schools and have never forgiven the federal government. They’ve wantv5he federal government to pay tuition at their “religious” schools.

This. This is the appropriate use of US military against a protest. Not what president musk and current Vice President trump wants to do.

“By god, you fuckers will integrate”

The situation will be flipped this time around. The pro segregationist are the ones in control.

Hey you, read the title again

– Pro = for
– Anti = against

The military are removing racist fuckers per your late President Eisenhower’s order.

Jerry Jones is just out of frame.

Now America chooses to roll back such progress.

Awful that here in 2025, we’re going to get the opposite of this. More than half the country just voted for resegregation, and the troops will back them up.

Hopefully one day our military will use bayonets against magas in a similar fashion


Dad was airborne

Should have just shoved the bayonets up their asses and saved everyone a lot of headache dealing with these assholes for the several decades.

Dang, tough stuff man

Poke poke

I love my M1 Garand

Stabby mcstab?

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