Might have to give it a try…

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They are by no means mutually exclusive

There’s a third very dark option.

Robots will be out 🔜

both? second doesn’t change the first anyways

Can confirm, getting a girlfriend turns you into a femboy

What’s the choice? The road is the same.

Bad meme is bad.

Try to not be chronically online, or find a chronically online woman and have a good time for one year max.

Or you can just get married 🤷‍♂️

That’s what I’m planning on doing

Japanese weird shit, sad honestly


Date femboys


As a more feminine lesbian who always seems to be into girls who prefer butch women, I’m on the verge of contemplating the opposite of this, lmao. What’s the antonym of femboy? Mascgirl?

Do you have any advice for guys who are built like brick walls who choose to go right? Asking for a friend.

For those still undecided, remember this: We can’t get pregnant. But that doesn’t mean we wont try. ♥( ˆ⌣ ˆԅ)

It takes a real man to be best girl. Besides, he got a Mønster can sized dong.

Honestly can’t wait for AI dolls.

Pedo anime will never not be weird.


Astolfo is bae

what’s wrong with having a cute femboy friend?

Some of us are single by choice. Eventually the lies, betrayals and overall lack of accountability and constant blame shifting becomes tiresome and the solitude and peace of being alone is worth more than any…… Shall we say “transition”…….. (*Gestures vaguely at the above meme*)

Is the joke boys becoming the right? No hate that’s just how I took the joke.

Too hairy and fat.

Those anime are mostly cat faces. You train your “private parts” to be attracted to cats subconciously. Thats evolution but backwards. Your Boss at work will like that, so he/she can easier manipulate you, being an animal downstairs instead of a human. Think about your choices of wanking guys…

Actually I’m not that doomed because many people consider me really handsome somehow. Most of them girls.

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