Mike Ilitch

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If Wikipedia is to be trusted, the best part was that he did it quietly, no big fuss or PR campaign.

He split the bills 50/50 with another Greek billionaire named Pete karmanos. Owner of compuware and I think and nhl team at one point. So don’t forget that. He’s passed as well.

The anti-Papa John’s?!

This is a good dude 👌

Almost the opposite of that Papa John’s douche nozzle.

The Ilitch family is also partially responsible for the downfall of Detroit and actively makes it difficult for the city to grow today in order to increase their own wealth. Their company holds abandoned and historic buildings hostage in order to drive up land prices in areas that would otgerwise be able to rebuild as affordable housing and space for small businesses. They aren’t good people, despite doing one nice gesture that costs them the equivalent of pennies to a middle class worker.

The Billionaire PR really in full force this week lol

We need more heroes like that!

And if you’ve ever seen Slumber Party 2, one of his son’s is the driller killer.

Not all hero’s wear capes; great job Mike!

His whole family is still trash.  Absolutely human filth.  https://www.instagram.com/terrible_ilitches/


oh yeah?

Well the papa johns guy found his old car!


I met Mike before he hit it big. Really a good man, hardcore Catholic.

Meanwhile, John Schnatter of Papa John’s created a new trust for CEOs who have fucked up their face with bad plastic surgery.

Crazy how you can be the spark that ignited the black liberation movement into the mainstream and yet somehow end up so broke you can’t pay rent in DETROIT.

The headfake is real

His pizzas have killed millions…no

Reading all the comments gave me a shrugged shoulder with a lot of not just 2nd thought of him.

Nothing to see here

As this is posted yet again, let me remind everyone that Mike Illitch was a slumlord that bought up vast quantities of land in Detroit and let them rot so that he could snatch up more land at pennies on the dollar. Downtown Detroit is filled with empty lots because of him

I’m going to have some Little Caesar’s pizza just because of this now.

This is why I choose Little Caesar’s over Papa John’s.

And Al Capone started soup kitchens.

This can’t be true. According to Reddit white people kinda suck.

Why wasn’t it Al Sharpton, or Jesse Jackson, or any one of the other charlatans who make their living off of division?

He obviously wasn’t an insurance CEO.

He should release the Little Ceaser’s Pizza Ball!

Wow he stopped paying her rent the moment she died? How rude.

He’s safe during the coming uprising. It’s a short list.


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