Mike Meyers as Elon Musk on SNL.

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Insane turnaround time given that the meeting happened yesterday lol

Get Shrekt

The one good thing I will say that came out of that fucking dumpster fire was the unwavering and near unanimous support for Ukraine from the majority of America as well as the rest of the world.

The us is a fucking joke.

It was easy for him, having already portrayed Dr. Evil..

A real Canadian impersonating a fake Canadian. Nice!

He was great!

Musk is a South African parasite on the American taxpayer. He’s gotten $38 billion already and is greedily trying to finagle more. And he had the nerve to call American taxpayers parasites and trying to cut social security that we pay into.


Here’s some great comments about what a fraud Musk is with backup:




Mike Myers is the new Greatest One

More Canadian than musk will ever be


He channeled Simon into his Musk and I love it. Myers is perfect for this. He wouldn’t take
this on if he wasn’t down for at least the entire season as Musk. Fucking awesome.


Mike kinda looks like Jerry O’Connell tonight

Oh no they didn’t😇😇😇

SNL 👍👍👍👍👍

So he’s played 2 ogres now.

He’s got the Musk laminated face down. Also, you can’t see it in this pic but the guy playing Trump has a neck pussy just like Trump.

It would be funny, if it was not so factual.

Just watched it, this was brilliant lol


Does this man not age? Been 50 for 4 decades

Fucking spot on! Elon even did the X jump..

Catch 22 in my opinion… He doesn’t deserve the media and attention… Yet, people should know it.

Somehow it still feels like a limp-wristed criticism of… Just fucking everything

Does anyone else feel like the mockery kind of minimizes the impact the of what is happening? Idk… I know humour helps in situations when things feel really hopelesss. But something about this just doesn’t feel right. SNL has so many eyeballs and it just feels like so much is at stake right now.

I know they do it for ratings but whenever they have an alum or celeb play a recurring character it feels like they don’t think the cast that’s here rn can do it justice.

I know one day it may cost me my life, but I will NEVER stop speaking out against Nazi scum like Trump and Muskrat. I don’t do it because it’s easy, I do it because it is the right thing to do. I will not take the cowards way out. It would be easy to delete my account and try to hide the evidence and bite my tongue about what this evil “administration” is doing. Fuck that. I stand by everything I have ever said about Trump. He is a morbidly obese convicted child molester Nazi incel white supremacist scum sucking shit bag cockroach cumrag diaper doodie two scoops orange dickhead jerkoff TYRANT, and I want EVERYONE to know. I’m not afraid of Trump. FUCK Trump.

Shane Gillis hosted and they didn’t have him play Trump?!

I don’t care about his past, BRING BACK ALEC BALDWIN AS TRUMP.


Seems about right that the guy who played Dr Evil got the part

He nailed the weirdness and the mannerisms, but the voice impression was probably not quite ready yet.

He really did capture how those 310N-MV5K droids sometimes glitch during large social gatherings.

Every time they portray Elon on SNL, they should just have a Wario mustache on his face, and never acknowledge it.

May I ask, how do I watch this as a canadian?

I’ve called Elon *Dr. Evil 2.0* since that Muskrat came out of the woodworks.

They need to stop doing these impressions. Ignore Trump and all his handlers. Don’t empower them by making them pop culture icons and feed their media power.

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