Mike pence: Mr. President, Ukraine did not โ€œstartโ€ this war. Russia launched an unprovoked and brutal invasion claiming hundreds of thousands of lives. The Road to Peace must be built on the Truth.๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ฆ

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To think I would see the day that I would be thankful for something Mike Pence did.

Rather polite for someone that would have been on the chopping block if “Mr president” had his way

Bold of him to assume facts matter in 2025.

Iโ€™m from Indiana and the thought of defending Mike Pence gives me diarrhea but god damn this is the right take. Here comes the diarrheaโ€ฆ

Prepare for trumps first VP to have people call for his death. (Again.)

Mr. Vice-President, your naive support for a man who lied just as consistently during your term as he has after it, your naivete is directly responsible for the power and platform he has today.

Thank you for helping clean up your mess, but if the road to peace is built on truth, the truth is, you spent four years covering for his lies. Do you regret that, and if you cannot, why should anyone else regret his lies today?

Itโ€™s never too late to do the right thing. Could be earlier. Yes. But itโ€™s still intriguing to see.

Gosh – I hope Mr. Pence doesn’t fall out a window or something.

We’re like minutes from shit like that….

Iโ€™m here for the Mike Pence redemption arc.

Damn, I really dislike agreeing with Pence and McConnell, but, they are anti-Trump, so guess I’ll have to get used to it ๐Ÿ™‚

And he links to fox news. Thats a pretty smart move.

You know we’re in a fucking banana republic when Mike fucking Pence has to be the reasonable Republican. And even Runnin’ Josh Hawley said he didn’t want the Medicare cuts.

Did not expect Mike Pence to be the first to call trump on his lies.

And now the Republicans will start coming after Trump like this. Be thankful for them, we’re in this together.

News bulletin! Mike Pence has fallen out of a window to his death!

Bystander quoted โ€œHe just jumpedโ€ฆโ€ *in thick Russian accent*

The fact his former vp is saying โ€œdude, youโ€™re wrongโ€ says alot

Pence knows trump is a fucking moron

Gosh, Mike, youโ€™re only eight years late in growing a pair of nards. Pity you couldnโ€™t be like that when you meant something.

What will mother say?

Four words I never thought I would say: “You’re right Mike Pence”

This timeline sucks.

I need a way bigger bingo card.

Weโ€™re in the upside down inside out. Iโ€™m agreeing with Mike Pence & admiring Liz Cheney.

Didnโ€™t you know, itโ€™s your eyes that are lying? /s

Pence spelled *Hey, Dumb shit!” wrong. Other than that, totally spot-on.

Man, WTF is going on

Like Trump gives a shit about peace, or anything but himself.

You know what. Iโ€™ll take it.

Thank you Mike! Itโ€™s a little late in the game to be making sense and doing the bare minimum, but we *need* sanity wherever we can find it. This is a fucking start.


Although if he had been hanged then T probably wouldnโ€™t have been elected again.

While I appreciate what the frosted mannequin is trying to do itโ€™s been abundantly clear for years that the feculent fibber and the truth go together like diarrhea and being stuck in and rush hour traffic. tRump lies incessantly and that is something that will never change.

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