Mislabeling Immigration Processes…

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Any non-white (or even some white) immigrants are “illegal” to them. But dare call them racist and they have a fit.

So the USA doesn’t offer asylum anymore, so next time they need local Intel/support they’ll get nothing? Yeah that’s one way to lose a conflict

Maybe people aren’t illegal.

And they aren’t even in the US-they made appointments with CBP to cross the border seeking asylum… 🙄

Brown/poor= illegal

I (stupidly) commented on a Daily Mail article about this, basically just saying these are people TRYING to do it the right way since all the comments i read were like “I don’t care about immigrants but they gotta do it RIGHT!”

I got inundated with messages from (racist) people saying, “You’re willfully ignorant if you think it’s not abused,” “where’d you get your info, ThickTok?” and “the Demon-rats use that to register illegals to vote and then vote democrat! ILLEGALLY!”

So that was fun.

They don’t give a shit if you “came here the right way”. They’ve made that exceedingly clear to anyone who is paying attention.

All over reddit, they have been and largely still are arguing, “Nobody is *against immigration*, it’s just the *illegal* immigrants breaking the *law* that we have a problem with. It’s fine with us if they do it the ‘right way.’ Why are you so unreasonable that you want to let *criminals* stay in the country?”

Then they see a picture of immigrants trying to do it the “right way,” and their response is, “Look at these *complaining illegals*.”

Yep. Mask fully off.

When criminals run the system,…

Oh, are we going to enforce sedition and perhaps, people who didn’t attend college getting a student visa like Elon?


I don’t recognize any laws but those I want to adhere to now. That’s my policy.

These people just hate non-white people.

Ethno nationalists.



Can we please stop calling them asylum seekers?

They are seeking an economically better life for themselves which is perfectly acceptable and fine, but they are not refugees or looking for actual asylum.

Illegal is a skin color.

Anyone can be breaking the rules if you change the rules mid-game.

Who is AFPost and why should I care about them? The answer is you don’t. Just ignore these people.

“Illegal” is synonymous with “brown” when applied to a person.

Because the appointments have to be made prior to entering the U.S., and the appointments expire after 24 hours.

If the picture was taken inside the U.S., which it seems it might be, then there’s a fair chance they are here “illegally.”

Sure, conceptually maybe someone entered in at a port and made an appointment the same day the cancellation happened. Very unlucky! But also then they wouldn’t be immigrants at all. They’d still be in Mexico.

What ended up happening is that people started using it even after they entered when they were an undocumented alien. Fair enough! It does show they want to “do the right thing.” However, it also means they are in fact here illegally.

First of all, no one is illegal. That label is only used strictly by racists in labeling brown people south of the border.

they crossed into the US illegally first. we’re released with an appointment at a later date.

still illegal.

Economic migrants are not asylum seekers.

See that’s the trick, if you just make everyone legal then your illegal immigration numbers are down in time for the election

Honestly, just close the border. To everyone. I am a staunch Trump hater and even I think we need to sort out what we have before we take on more. Our cities are inundated with foreigners and refugees and they just cannot handle it.

You don’t have to be racist to be reasonable. Sorry.

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