Misogyny reverse card

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People mistaking woman for women and vice versa is as bad as people mistaking your and you’re for me.

Imagine marrying a man who can’t cook. It’s 2024 after all, not 1224.

Imagine marrying a cook that can’t women

The guy is probably a Mormon and can’t imagine marrying a bunch of women and not a single one knows how to cook.

At least he didn’t say “female”

Imagine being a grown ass man who needs someone to cook for him.

(In the name of equality, this also applies to grown ass women, but I don’t think that’s what this guy was talking about.)

There are actually two mistakes in this man’s post:

Imagine marrying a *woman *who can’t cook.

How much you wanna bet this man is still staring at the post trying to figure out what the difference is

I can imagine it. You get to eat the foods you want all the time, because you cook them yourself, and most of the cleaning is done by the other party because they’re happy that you cooked for them. It’s great.

he would starve apparently.

Only reddit would think nitpicking grammar qualifies as a clever comeback lol.

Honestly these kinda guys are so pathetic, and so stupid saying this stuff its almost like they secretly want to be heckled. I mean, why else would they make it so easy?

Just engagement bait bot accounts. It’s no wonder they don’t spell correctly. It’s all over reels, social media now. Just accounts posting vontroversial gender stuff to get replies

Imagine marrying

Why do I keep hearing American men say “woman” when they’re talking about “women” in plural? Like…. they don’t know how to pronounce/spell it?

Aww…. Pour baby! He is going to starve to death. Well, Darwin had a theory on maladaptation…

This guy should marry his mommy if he wants a cook

Imagine being a grown ass man who cannot cook. I mean even monkeys can make food.

He’s talking about his 4 wives clearly!

Idk, how many personalities does she have? /s

Imagine marrying a man that can’t cook or wash clothes or sweep the floor or vacuum or dust.

I just don’t understand any adult’s inability to cook. Even if you’re always too busy, at some point in your life you’ve arrived in the kitchen hungry with no one around and nothing prepared to eat.

Imagine marrying with the sole expectation of the other person being the only person to cook. You a grown man but can’t figure out how to follow a simple recipe? Dumbass.


Misogyny reverse card? More like misogyny reverse karma – instant downvote!

But I thought you said woah man!

Imagine women who don’t know what is polygyny.
Imagine they all cannot cook? The horror… the horror ☝️😱

Not particularly clever 🤔

Idk if that’s as big of a come back as he thinks it is. Or if he’s making a joke by implying that no one cares.

Imagine being a man and not knowing how to cook and not ever wanting to experience creating something enjoyable for someone you love.

Honestly, most people don’t even understand the four basic parts of speech. It feels like school is just about teaching students to read and write well enough to pass exams—functional(ish), but not exactly thorough. Sure, they might scrape by in their English exams, but they’re probably not going to excel!

This isn’t me sticking up for the original dick head, either. He’s a toss pot.

Okay but why has the distinction between “woman” and “women” utterly dissolved? Mistaking “woman” and “women” is probably the most common and annoying grammatical error I see online.

He just doesn’t believe in monogamy

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