Mitch McConnell’s injuries after his recent fall

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If we have minimum age requirements for office, then we need maximum age requirements as well.

Being a senator must be the best job in the world because these old folks can literally be grasping for dear life and they still won’t quit.

Guess he wasn’t denied medical aid or coverage

Why won’t these people just retire

You’re welcome Mitch. Our tax dollars provide you with medical care only the rest of us could dream about.

How minor compared to the millions hurt or killed by his policies

Fucking retire already. Why can’t this ghoul just be happy with all the misery he has inflicted on this country? Will it never be enough for him?

He’s the guy who randomly started buffering during a speech he was giving last year, right? Just a blank stare into the void all of a sudden ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Come with me, Mitch.

I remember how he held up and rushed through Supreme Court nominations in order to build court that would deny the people their rights and grant oligarchs total freedom. I hope he is in pain.


Eh, just pry off the shell and throw him in a stew already.

Pack it in Mitch.

They gonna bring that dude around like Weekend at Bernie’s at this point.


I cannot believe he still holds his position. Look at his eyes. There’s little to nothing going on behind them. I’ve seen that glassy-eyed stare a million times from my aging grandparents at the retirement home.

Was it really a fall or did he maybe get bitch slapped by one of his billionaire overlords?

Not good enough. Fall harder.

Go home old man.


Nothing compared to the damage he has done to this country


I wonder if there’s ever gonna be a time that the majority of Americans can admit this is all really been about rich white men staying in matter what!

Make sure he gets the medical bill

It’s fascinating that somebody can squander away his whole life and wellbeing pursuing the destruction of the very thing he claims to hold most dear.

He should be thankful those staircases aren’t Russian

Why does he always look like it’s time to eat porridge?

Good thing he has health insurance.

Must be nice having health insurance coverage for life.

These parasites can barely walk, and a simple throw rug results in them breaking half their body.

These assholes should be sent out to pasture instead of running a country on their 1950’s logic.

When you can’t even stand up or walk, it’s time to retire from politics. It’s time, turtle.

can you say here that we hope he’s in pain until his last breath. does that play

Karma for allowing the rapist trump to disgrace the WH again.

good, fuck him.


Too bad…i wonder if he has insurance coverage.

this man had a seizure on television and has a known subdural hematoma sitting ontop of his brain….as a neurosurgeon i can say in the U.S. we don’t allow people with bleeds sitting on their brains to drive cars until the bleed has been absorbed or evacuated operatively so why is it okay for him to be making decisions for millions of Americans lives….

He must know there are thousands of people cheering whenever they hear about him getting hurt right?

Guy should be home (or in a home) and instead he’s getting $15,000+/month and benefits.

I guess he Looks so sad because United Health will not pay.

We’re all paying for these ghouls healthcare only for them to turn around and try to take away our (already very shitty) coverage. Assholes.

Imagine needing to hold onto power so much you’re 82 and not enjoying retirement.

Why can’t this senile old witch be sent home and put under 24/7 surveillance. He should not be walking around a free man

He is turning into a prawn from district 9

this looks a lot more realistic than a bullet to an ear…just sayin’

Why does he look like the pale man from pans labyrinth

Thoughts and prayers denied due to pre existing condition.

If someone can sustain this degree of injury from falling to the floor, then they’re CLEARLY too old to be in any type of government position


I thought turtles withdrew their heads when in danger.



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