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Peter Parker should have ended up with this girl
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MJ had been a gold digger since she was introduced.

The most hated romantic interest in movie history

Andrew Garfield and Emma Stone Gwen Spidey love story was the purest and best love can get.

And this doesn’t even mention the fact that he’s literally Spider-Man and risks his life everyday for other people lol

Didnt she literally say she loved him and wanted to be with him

and he said


Betty Brent. 🤤

I think I dated this description once. Dark times, dark times.


The darkness is kinda strong in you?

Gawd, she was annoying in this movie.

Yaaas she was so strong, supportive and selfless. Slay queen 💅🙏😩

Spider-Man more like Spider-Cuck

There was that one scene in the comics when MJ got to the wedding with Peter… she had a lift from a rich friend. I remember kid me thinking, “what is going on here??? Was she on a date a night before her wedding???”

This MJ belongs to the streets

I send this screenshot to my friends, most of them get it, but some don’t. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

When I see these posts I think, “Did we even watch the same movie?” Spiderman is badass and tries his best for the people he loves, but dear God! Peter constantly pushes MJ away, doesn’t show up for important events or dates, lies, KISSES ANOTHER GIRL IN FRONT OF HER, aaaaand then back hands her in a fight he starts at her work. All three movies are basically how Peter fails to communicate, and the problems that follow.

There’s a fanfiction on Space Battles called “That’s all folks” where Peter chooses to be a genius cartoonist/animator/studio owner. Give it a go if you want to see how Peter says enough is enough to MJ, Gwen and Felicia. It has a weird flow but if you ignore the flow and grammar it’s a fun read.

I think she was the worst written mj in any spider man movie ever like they were not a good pair

MJ should’ve fallen to her death instead of Gwen

I laughed way too hard at this

Not to mention all the people who were trying to kill him while he was trying to help people. He is spiderman ffs. Such a horribly written love interest.

I mean, not like this version of MJ was interested in Peter to begin with. she was into Spider-Man

God forbid a woman says “No”, it becomes a personal attack against a man? Sensitive bloke needs to man up.

Mfs when they don’t understand a movie


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