Mlon Eusk really has no shame

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The worlds richest man just has to be a dumbass

Isn’t that what trump was whining about? The judiciary persecuting him who was an elected official? At least the people who went after trump are government officials, not some billionaire lap monkey with a grossly over-inflated sense of self worth.

Um, mayors are ok, but not ex-presidents/president elects? Umm, ok….

I don’t remember electing him

I’m assuming that that includes rich folks who rape, cheat, steal and sell secret documents to another country?

He also likely broke immigration law too, don’t forget.

What do you expect froma guy who pretends to have founded Tesla and SpaceX?

Can it also include presidents

So when will Elon get himself arrested?

I can’t wait to see the bullshit catch up to this guy, he wanted to badly to be the center of attention that he set himself up to be one of the big fall guys when this all collapses.

I’m so sick of this prick. Looking forward to him and the Felon having a big public fallout. We all know it’s going to happen.

The worst things get for US, the bigger of a target that Dipshit is going to become. Eat the Rich has to start somewhere.

“If anyone is arrested, I ask it only be me”

Not even “technically” a private citizen. He is totally a private citizen. Trump is also a private citizen

Oh boy. When Trump gets sick of this guy and kicks him to the curb, he will just like everyone else, the fallout is going to be epic.

Does that include his man crush???….

Does that include his man crush???….

Does it also include presidents?

someone should smoke this dude.

To be fair, arresting someone WHO COMMITED A CRIME is not bad…
Like what?? What world do we live in?
He’s not personallu gonna arrest anyone, that’s for the appropriate government body to handle.
Or am I missing context here that would excuse the crime?

If anything people should comment on the irony of that statement concerning his best bud Trump.

Evidently they will not 

Not to mention the fact that he himself has committed many dubiously “legal” acts throughout his stay in OUR country that he isn’t a part of.

he says that but i’m like 95% sure he has broken multiple laws and covered it up with money at some point or another

Being arrested doesn’t mean anything in the USA. They have a felon elected as President. Elonia spouting off with this statement just emphasises how uneducated he really is.

I’d like to watch those next 4 years unfold while eating popcorn comfortably from the other side of the north border, but men, that show is so fuc*ing depressing.

He wasn’t even born here! He attended America illegally for school.

To be fair, if you break the law, you should be arrested.


What’s revolution look like?

What is he even referring to?

I dunno guys in an oligarchy someone else might end up being the one murdered by Elon’s words

Idk why we don’t do a citizens arrest


Elmo is a super dumbass, no doubts about it.

Even presidents? You promise?

His lack of shame is proportional to the amount of money he has

Well, in principle I agree. Everyone should be equal to the law, including elected officials. So I assume presidents as well, right mr. Musk?

I’m sorry how is this a murder or even an own or a bad thing?

Trump has broken the law. Will he be arrested?


Wasn’t he an illegal immigrant?

Will it include billionaire wanna be Ironman knock offs? Because I know one who is regularly found to be breaking employment laws, and labour laws, and probably has broken a few others. Election interference, uttering of threats…

Since when do these chucklefucks care about the law? Only when it benefits them apparently. Otherwise they’re testing fences and making it up as they go.

Eh. I still like the other one better; the one talking about how our newest President-elect broke the law.

This one is just flavored of angst and doesn’t actually counter a legitimate point. — the one where “it doesn’t matter who you are, crime should be a punishable offense.” That, I agree with.

this isn’t a safe country for a foreign agent

Love Mehdi…

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