MMW, Luigi Mangione was only charged with terrorism so that, in the event that he is convicted, anybody expressing support for him can and will be labeled a terrorist sympathizer.

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They can watch as it backfires and the US is actually suddenly filled with terrorist sympathisers

If the powers that be label those who express support or sympathy for Luigi as terrorist sympathizers, that’ll only further make him look like a martyr and further illustrate the stratified society we live in, where our institutions (government, courts, law enforcement, media, corporations) treat the rich one way and the rest of us rabble another.

It’ll also only increase the angst and anger at for profit health insurers.

One persons terrorist is another persons freedom fighter

Color me sympathized

Idgaf if the .01% rich class tries to label the rest of the country as Terrorist Sympathizers.

They’re the real actually domestic terrorists. They have been terrorizing working class for so long the working class barely exists anymore. Just poor or mega rich no in between.

unlike all of MAGA and Donald Trump who openly support J6 terrorists. lol, gimme a fucking break.


Luigi is now a martyr. Delay, deny, defend.

Didnโ€™t the republicans declare themselves domestic terrorists?

The whole republican party are domestic terrorists, according to themselves

The republican national convention had a light up banner proclaiming โ€œwe are all domestic terrorists.โ€

This reminds me of Thomas Silverstein. When he killed a prison guard he spent the last 36 years of his life in solitary to set an example to others.

I fully expect Luigi to get similar treatment. They want to send a message that you don’t fuck with the 1%.

plausible but its also the most braindead possible move they could make lmao

Itโ€™s not just support of him, oh no it definitely doesnโ€™t end there. Itโ€™s going to allow insurance companies to classify anti-insurance rhetoric as terrorism in the court of law. Could go beyond insurance to simply protesting against the ultra wealthy and corporations.

They will be able to silence the general polulation.

Call me whatever you want, it won’t change the fact that an executioner got what was coming to him.

Well, label me not shocked

Still support him tho

It’s not that difficult bro, we just want universal healthcare.

Youโ€™re about to have a convicted felon as president, largely due to a deliberately biased Supreme Court . The idea anybody will ever take the rule of law seriously in the US again is absolutely laughable.

This picture is so absurd on every fucking level

You really need 30 martialized police officers, USBP, SWAT, Mounties, Praetorian guards, Hitler youth all ushering a 5โ€™10 170lb young adult with crippling back issues and pain who is clearly already going away for the remainder of his life but what in the hell is he going to do at this point? Thereโ€™s no threat to his life as people are likely to build a human wall around him than try and kill him.

The Billionaire Elites that run the country fear American Unity more than anything else in the worldโ€”the day we stop with *Conservatives V Progressive* and *Red Team v Blue Team*, and now Fascism vs Sanity is when itโ€™s absolutely game over

But please letโ€™s keep fighting about the imaginary war on Christmas

Of course. Everything about this case is to make an example, show power, and make it very clear who is important. We are experiencing a cultural and political shift in our country. When the election results were announced I was disappointed but but not panicking. Now I am worried about what our lives are going to look like.

Friendly reminder that the following people were all labeled terrorists at the time they did what they did:

-The white American and Canadian abolitionists who ran the underground railroad to help free black American slaves in the 1800s.

-Martin Luther King and anyone who participated in the American civil rights movement in the 1950s and 60s.

-American College students who peacefully protested the Vietnam war.

-Nelson Mandela and the freedom fighters who fought to end apartheid in South Africa.

-At the time they did what they did, all of these people were demonized and portrayed as terrorists by the powers-that-be.

The mainstream media portrayed them as villains. And yet today, all of these people are universally considered heroes. All this is to say, the powers-that-be have always painted freedom fighters and revolutionaries as terrorists.

That would probly actually cause some civil unrest imo

But it’s ok to hold a conservative rally that has a banner that reads, “We are Domestic Terrorists.”…. Doesn’t make them terrorists, after openly admitting it.. ok..

I guess that’s how the class war starts then huh.

He was charged with terrorism so he can be held indefinitely without going to trial. ย They did the same thing with suspected terrorists after 9-11.

Fuck the system

Then I’m a fucking terrorist sympathizer. Put me on the fucking list.

Well the founding fathers were all terrorists and sympathizers. Don’t forget how we became America to begin with. Fuck them.ย 


He was charged with terrorism because his crime was ideologically and politically motivated. That is the *literal* definition of terrorism.

He was charged with terrorism, most likely because it was an act of terror. Probably.

If the motive of the murder was to get the US to change their healthcare system, then yeah. Using force to achieve political change. Pretty much the textbook definition of terrorism.

Personally, I hope the jury is nullified, and he goes free, but that’s a one in a million. He’s going to prison for first degree murder.

Fine with me.

RemindMe! -365 day

The terrorism charge was induced by corporate America. Theyโ€™re scared shitless that their safety is being jeopardized for robbing their employees, and using their government contacts to continue to get rich while the 99% suffer.

Poor kid is gonna be sent to ADX for some bull shit charge all because the CEOโ€™s of Apple, Walmart, big pharma and health care want to continue to print billions for themselves while screwing over the consumers and workers who do the real work:

mmw has been hitting recently. This absolutely makes sense

well american govt. supports genecide soย  ย  fvk itย  ย free luigiย  ๐Ÿซถ๐Ÿผ

They are setting a trap for anyone who dares to question it. Classic playbook move. The difference between a rich guy die vs a poor guy die will be not like this

The system is scared

Well that’s too bad considering I’m already a terrorist sympathizer before supporting this guy. Guess I am double trouble then.

They tell us violence doesn’t work because it does!

Trump is a terrorist. Everyone who voted for him should be locked up

Remember the Boston tea party was a terrorist attack

Probably right.
They can’t have people advocating violence.
Even though there is 100x more sympathy for the perpetrator than the victim.

Shit man labels and words don’t mean shit to me. What matters are actions and intentions. Call me whatever you want.

“I think itโ€™s really terrible that some people seem to admire him, like him. And I was happy to see that it wasnโ€™t specific to this gentleman that was killed. Itโ€™s just an overall sickness, as opposed to a specific sickness. That was a terrible thing. It was cold-blooded. Just a cold-blooded, horrible killing. And how people can like this guy is โ€” thatโ€™s a sickness, actually.” – **Donald Trump**

What he did in fact was a terroristic action by definition. Iโ€™m not sure if thereโ€™s really any argument about that at all.

His action was designed to strike terror in other CEOs and similar industries .

So yeah, it was terrorism, plain, and simple by his design .


You see cosplay Carl with the protective eyewear? Invite him the best one in this flashmob. I love the outfits.

Men are so flamboyant ๐Ÿ™„ So fabulous

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