MMW: Netanyahu will give the Republicans a win by agreeing to a ceasefire in Lebanon, followed by the annexation of northern Gaza and, later, the West Bank

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Followed by Trump Tower West Bank in 2029

Well, elections, unfortunately have consequences.

Oh no, you mean to tell me the protest voters brilliant plan of โ€œletโ€™s do nothingโ€ has ended in a result that is categorically worse for the people they claimed to care about? Iโ€™m simply shocked I tell you. SHOCKED.

You get what you voted for with your protest votes. Have fun.

Worst deleted scene from โ€œOver the Topโ€ ever.

or, he’ll roll in there and kill every man, woman, child, pet, and houseplant, like he said he was gonna

Ok. This is what the American people wanted. Including the pro Palestinian community in America. They wanted Harris to lose and they pushed for it. Trump is the result

But, hey, at least progressive American voters voted their conscience.

That’s what’s important here.

In the last two days the United States vetoed a [ceasefire](, and continued to violate united states law by continuing to [fund Israel](

The west bank has been settled for decades and essentially already annexed. Gaza has been destroyed. I don’t know hey Trump needs to be made out to be much worse. It’s already incredibly bad.

And in 2029, we’ll see Trump Tower West Bank. Just wait for it.

Face eating Leopards are feasting again, they will become fat.

Anyone who says Trump is no worse than Biden needs to look up Mike Huckabeeโ€™s comments on Palestinians and the West Bank. News flash, he will be the new ambassador to Israel and his statements set the tone that they donโ€™t care what happens as long as Hamas is destroyed and Israel seizes the West Bank. They donโ€™t care if civilians are killed since they are guilty by association

Man, I got news for you. Israel doesn’t think in terms of giving Republicans or Democrats a “win.” Israeli primarily is concerned with hunting terrorists and defending itself against Iran and Putin’s puppetry. I mean, domestically Israel is a mess. But their foreign objectives are to survive and prevent mass murder committed by outside forces. Realistically, and factually, Israel is constantly trying to keep Republicans and Democrats as friends. Hence, all the Democrats and Republicans who agree with the incredibly obvious fact that Hamas and Hezbollah are terrorist organizations armed and paid billions by Iran and Putin.ย 

It makes sense reading the title but it’s Trump. Chaos reigns. Already a reality show and he won’t be in office for almost two months.

Why north Gaza? Why wouldnโ€™t they take the whole thing

You think Hamas and Hezbollah would agree to a ceasefire if it was immediately followed by annexation? Annexation by Israel of any territory is just going to further escalate the conflict. The only way the Republicans would “win” is by successfully pushing for a peace agreement that includes an immediate pathway toward Palestinian statehood. This is about as likely as discovering intelligent life forms on Mars.

Imma put my tinfoil hat on and say, How much dirt does Donald Trump have on all of the world’s leaders? Were they all clients of Jeffery Epstein? Trump would know.

Your forgetting that Hamas/hezbollah exist.

Any ceasefire requires them to agree to Israel terms for a ceasefire [you know since Israel is winning the wars, Israel gets to set the terms].

Why do they look like they’re posing for a gangster rap album cover in this pic though, lmao

Imagine if you put this pic in black and white and slapped one of those “content warning, mature audiences” stickers in the bottom. Actually screw it, I’m so bored. comment image)

The thugs won that round, innocents were slaughtered for beachfront property

Yes Israel will get it all.

Trump will allow them to continue to annihilate Gaza first before going for a cease fire. It will be planned. Israel will escalate (with private tacit approval of the Trump admin), then Trump will step in (also planned), and negotiate a cease fire (which will already have been negotiated and give Israel everything they want).

I’ve been pondering this for a bit. There’s no way we’ll ever know but in some universe the scope and aggression of this war was a deliberate attempt to aid trump by shaving voters off both the pro-Palestinian and pro-war groups. Rock meet hard place. In a darker universe this has deeply disturbing implications.

Ending war is a good thing.

Yup. Then expect us to back his attack on Iran.

That was the deal Trump made with him during rhis election remember the phone call. This was stated and it was meddling. That’s how evil Republicans are. They care more about power than people. Regan did it the Carter and trump did it to biden.

You did it Jill Stein voters! Gaza is saved! ๐Ÿ‘

Trump already said that he is going to give Netanyahu a blank check. People who didn’t vote because of Biden’s Gaza response… well, now all of it is going to be gone.

“We agree to you stopping to bomb us” – Hezbollah and Hamas when they say they agreed to a plan. They never agree to actually cease their aggression, to not be literal terrorists. So their agreement is moot. If they agree to UN resolution 1701, it’s meaningless.

An agreement to 1701 existed before. We want 1559 to be enacted.

I don’t think Israel wants to annex either Gaza or the West Bank. Too much of an unstable population to occupy indefinitely. I assume Israel will withdraw from Lebanon after sufficiently smashing up Hezbollah, and will more or less do the same in Gaza, after installing a more Israel-friendly moderate government there, along with a token security force.

Hamas started begging for a ceasefire on 11/6. Wonder why?

Donโ€™t care frankly. The conflict is between Israel and Hamas, let them figure it out. Also Israel is an American ally, Hamas isnโ€™t

Followed by a few peace treaties with more Arab countries. In the end, Trump will have achieved peace deals for Israel with more Arab countries than all previous American presidents combined.

Except, Isreal had completed the removal of all Jewish, some by force from Gaza years ago.. folks seem to forget that lii bit of history. In fact With the implementation of the plan, IDF installations and forces were removed and over 9000 Israeli citizens living in 25 settlements were evicted. By 22 September 2005, Israel’s withdrawal from the entire Gaza Strip to the 1967 Green Line, and the eviction of the four settlements in Samaria, was completed.

I know that will get a lot if down votes but it’s just the facts.

Am Yisrael Chai

Wars are nothing but political acts

Biden is already letting them do that lol. This isnt a republican or democrat thing. Israel could take over the world under biden

Iโ€™m not Republican but a ceasefire sounds good!!

And this is what Evangelical lunatics have wanted since the creation of Israel. Why? Because they think it is a sign of the the End Times.

Of course he will. All the Gaza protest voters fucked around and are gonna find out.

I mean. Israel always owned what is considered Gaza. They even gave them treated water, electricity, materials. Instead they (Gaza/hamas) just tore up that infrastructure to shoot rockets and mortars at Israel.

Isn’t that just a win? Like, for everyone?

This should not be a surprise for anyone. When two criminals meet there is always a compromise to be found. Both will take turns sucking each other off to the benefit no one else.

They cannot annex the West Bank without driving Arabs out. They cannot accept the demographics. At the same time, they cannot ethnically cleanse the WB. So, yeah, not going to happen. The rest might and I do believe they might take an upper third or fourth of Gaza as punishment for starting a war.

>followed by the annexation of northern Gaza and, later, the West Bank

Territories they *already won* in a defensive war and then *gave away* in the interest of peace

… which they didn’t get after all.ย 

MMW Redditors will continue to not understand that radical Muslims destroyed the multi religious and Christian majority country of Lebanon and used it as a pivot point to attack Israel. Lebanon isnโ€™t under attack by Israel, itโ€™s occupied by Iran and controlled by radical Muslims.

How is it a win? Seems pretty simplistic when more Americans disapprove of Israel’s occupation than approve of it. Would it be a win for Republicans if the Ukraine conflict ends in a complete Russian takeover?

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