MMW: The Republican Party will do everything they can to erase January 6 2021 from American history

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America kinda sorta most definitely already did that when he won the electoral and popular vote.

Why erase it when the can blame the other party and make something up

Pay attention to the comments here about a “peaceful protest” and “tourists” and so on. That is exactly what the plan is. To understate the absolute fuck out of January 6.

i dont think they need to so as it seems everyone in america has forgotten that happened or is in denial about the party’s culpability

It will be easy to erase now that fuck head won and the democrats did nothing today

Pepperidge Farm remembers.

This was such a a peaceful protest. One of the most if not the most peaceful of peaceful protests – Trump probably

It is impossible to remove Jan 6 history. Everyone include me accepts what consequence is.

This has been happening for four years. MMW: DJT will throw a victory parade and invite them to the white house when he pardons them. They will have hamberders and everything else deep fried.

That already happened, we all saw Hitler do his Beer Hall Putsch and then made him chancellor anyway.

But will fail

Erase what? Idk what you’re talking about. Also what’s this photo of patriotic tourists have to do with anything? Weird post, man.

/s for the record.

America DID lose its government. It just happened four years later.

Nah, just the opposite. He’s gonna make it a national holiday, and not only will he pardon all those arrested, he’s gonna give the leaders Presidential Metals of Freedom.

The majority of Americans have already made it quite clear that they are poorly educated immoral losers who didn’t value democracy and are happy to see it end.

Too many signs that this last election actually was rigged.

-millions of missing voters

-tech guy saying trump won before votes were cast

-purging democratic voters from being able to vote

-ballots voting for trump and nothing else

-trump saying he has a plan to win but does not say what

Georgia ICON MTG want to make it a national holiday for the “patriots “

They will not erase, but downplay and if they see that the majority aproves they’ll make statements about “the civil soldiers that uphold democracy on that day”. Thank god here in Brazil we lock up this freaks and persecute the man behind that

One of the craziest acts of domestic terrorism we’ve seen

Try as they may they can’t erase video evidence that’s all over the internet, seen by everyone in every country…

I wish we could erase the Republican Party

Erased and repeated.

It literally already happened.

The fact that Trump didn’t lose by at least ten points should tell you that literally none of this shit matters anymore. He could shoot someone on fifth avenue and guarantee you he’d get away with it. The next four years are going to be a smash and grab for him and his rich buddies while the country autopilots through whatever crises come up. Then a Dem will win in 28 and be ousted again in 32 because Americans will be angry the Dem didn’t fix everything Trump did in a single term. Rinse and repeat.

Well yeah, republicans can’t take blame for something so sloppy.
Give credit where it is due, thank Nancy pelosi for orchestrating slop such as Jan 6

Why would they? It’s worn as a badge of honor

IMO you couldnt be more wrong.

They still celebrate the Confederacy as heroes. They will celebrate J6 as a heroic display of the people’s will.

They arent ashamed of it. There is nothing to erase.

Traitor Trump.

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