Mods? Let’s get this done!

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“Call me crazy, but if I threw a party and a bunch of nazis showed up, it might inspire a little self inspection.” – Bourdain

We have mods?

The only good nazi is a dead nazi. I want the muskrat to have no voice here. I agree with the ban!

I’m for it, team.

If you started counting the scars on my left hand, you’d get bored before you got to my elbow

There’s one on my middle knuckle that makes me smile, though

I punched a Nazi at a punk show in the 90s. His tooth cut me pretty good.

My hand swelled up and I had to make do because I didn’t have insurance or intelligence.

All better now, but watch out, apparently some Nazis are venomous.

One of the most notorious salutes combined with one of the stupidest looking faces….

Nazi punks fuck off

The best part of these posts is it outs the nazi sympathizers (same as a nazi). Nazis are bad.


Kitchen humor is crude, sometimes offensive and a bit out there, but some of the best chefs I have known are the biggest anti fascists, I support.

Yeah I never see them anyway but fuck that bitch

I used to be a bouncer and one time some nazi’s came into our bar, it was cold and they were wearing jackets. They called the bartender (black) the hard r after she refused to serve them and started a fight.
I’ll never serve a nazi or anyone who associates with them in any establishment I work in.

I’m all for this as a rule. Both the conent and the function of Twittter are increasingly bad of late.

Also, it’s easy to automod.

Can we please just keep the politics out of this subreddit?

Fuck that Nazi asshole. Immigrants make up most of our workforce. I love my foreign cook mates, I have learned so much from them.

Fine with me.

Go for it

Ban twitter links

Fuck Nazi’s! Awkward gesture my fucking ass!

I’m fine with this.

Also, it’s Twitter. I don’t even have an account but I still refuse to accept that stupid name change.

I don’t remember seeing a lot of X posts on this sub, but even as a symbolic ban i’m all for it.

I don’t do nazis period.

Yes please!

do people even post twitter links here


Why tho, it’s public knowledge he has social awkwardness and is on the spectrum. If you watched the inaugural speech he literally said “his heart goes out to you.” People villify everyone they don’t agree with.

Putting the politics of it aside for a moment, x links are annoying as fuck. If you really need to share content from there, take a screenshot like everyone else.

No Nazis in the kitchen! (And no fucking ‘oven jokes’ from the dishpit!)
Lets drop a reddit wide ban.

Yes please

Yes. Why isn’t it done yet? Ban it.

Fuck Elon

He was throwing his heart out!!


Support Nazi, get banned.

Unironicly channeling his inner Dr. Strangelove. He may be the richest man, but he is still an Asshat

Ban it


Posting the same shit across random communities you’ve never contributed in is greasy as fuck.

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