Mom got a Christmas present from her boss

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If someone did that to my mum they’d be waking up to a turd on their porch

And I hope you gave your boss a Christmas present—a meeting with HR.


That seems like a reason to head to HR for a hostile work environment….

This is a form of bullying and should be reported

As her child i think you’re suppose to go up there and kick the bosses ass

Send a huge Hershey’s bar to your mom at her office, bigger than everyone elses.

Bad idea. Lumps of coal in a stocking makes a good swinging weapon.

Her fucking asshole boss has no business being a boss

Nah, go to HR it’s clearly A Hostile Work Environment

That can definitely be considered harassment. It’s creating a hostile work environment. Harassment comes in many forms. It doesn’t have to be sexual to be considered harassment.

That’s fvckd up, but on the bright side, Hersheys is terrible chocolate and should be thrown away.

Have you seen the price of coal? That’s was your Christmas bonus.

Use it to burn the place down.

/s but barely.

Buy a 5 pound Hershey kiss and have the CEOs name on it delivered to your mom.

Leave the stocking on the desk with the coal on top of it. Tell everyone who asks “oh that’s what <dickhead boss name> gave me. Isn’t that fun of him/her?”

Use the coal to burn the place down


How do people eat this shit up. Not a chance this is real. If it is real, then it’s definitely taken out of context. This is rage bait and karma farming.

What’s the history between them?

Get your mom little accessories and googly eyes and have her decorate one of the bigger coals. I’m sure the boss would absolutely hate it.

Does your mom work HR for a mid-sized northeastern paper distributor by chance?

This is a PIP without the paperwork

Report the boss to HR. Bullying is unacceptable.

This sucks on so many levels and it’s things like this that cause us to not have Christmas celebrations in the office.

It’s why we can’t have nice things.

I would laugh. She went out of her way to get her something special even if it is her being a smart ass lol

Tell her to QUIT. File for unemployment stating HOSTILE WORK ENVIRONMENT as the reason.

Coal tastes better.

Proof or rage bait

I’ve done the coal thing to my nieces and nephews, but it was chocolate wrapped like coal.

Hersheys kisses suck anyway

Coal is a gift given so that you can warm the house, effectively you were bad so instead of a personal gift your gift will be for others since you couldn’t get your act straight that year

Check the resell value on that coal. She might be the bosses favorite

Have to ask why tho. The real root cause why your boss is a dick or bitch.

Tell your mom to find another job, don’t put in a 2 weeks notice but have her try to over book and send other employees nicely home that day. Then just quit and leave coal while they flounder.

Bullying doesn’t end at grade school unfortunately

Somebody watched too much Michael Scott

Report it to HR. That’s harassment.

Should call him out….that’s work place harassment and he should get in trouble for that stuff…

Plot twist, it’s family business and her boss is her husband.

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