Mongolian girl has a laugh with her camel

By Mrddx2
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This is the cutest thing I’ve seen in a while.

Absolute art.

Photo taken in 2003 by photographer Han Chengli, who titled it “Inner Mongolian Child”.

An unusual pet 😂

This made me smile.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|slightly_smiling)

Aww that is so cute! 

Such a cutie

This photo is in 3 subs posted at the same time by 3 different users. r/damnthatsinteresting and r/aww.

looks like a photo worthy of National Geographic! 👏🏼👏🏼

I wonder what kind of joke it was, or what they saw there)

Good Times ☺️

It Fucking Wimdy! 

Is this photo public domain? It would make an awesome album cover.

Ronaldo, is that you?

Simple things in life. This is why kids don’t need drugs

If you like this, there’s a book called Mirai Chan that’s all photos of a cute little, rosy cheeked, girl, photographed by Kotori Kawashima. Really great stuff.

Pure Joy.

Excellent moment and photo.

what a wonderful bind between the girl and her carnel! it’s amazing to see animals and humans share such a joy

this photo is absolutely priceless. the carnel’s expression is priceless as well so funny and adorable!

If I had a camel I’d be laughing too

you can almost hear the laughter from both of them. so wholesome!

Maybe camels tell funny jokes??

>And then I said, one lump or 2!

The Camel, telling the joke about Sugar in tea.



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