Monorail Elon

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People need to know that the hyperloop fantasy was entirely concocted to stop high speed rail legislation and funding in California. It was never once a serious proposition. It was about monopolizing transportation.

>Then it came to light that the world’s richest man never intended to prove out the futuristic Hyperloop technology or build the proposed suction tube. Musk reportedly told his biographer, Ashlee Vance, that the Hyperloop proposal was motivated by “his hatred for California’s proposed high-speed rail system,” which he felt would be too slow, outdated and expensive. “With any luck, the high-speed rail would be canceled,” Vance wrote.


Whole fucking MAGAverse is Lyle Lanley (monorail guy)

If Elon Musk has no haters, I am no longer upon the earth.

Meanwhile Biden had been working to use our already existing railway system and converting it to cross country passenger trains. Which would’ve been historical since we have one of the best rail systems in the world, but only use it to transport packaged goods

Apparently he has changed his name to a cryptocurrency that is currently pumping. All he knows is how to grift

Is there a chance Republican policy could bend?
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I am wishing for the day that this mother fucker is no longer relevant

No no no, don’t associate my beloved Conan O’Brien with this prick

He is what these edgelords wanna be.

He’s not Ironman.

He’s not even smart.

He comes from Apartheid and Emerald Mine slave labor money.

Fuck him

Fuck Tesla

Fuck anybody that rolls with this Jabroni Ass Nigga

well damn!

Elon WISHES he had the charm and musical acumen of Lyle Langley

Can barely hold a relationship and stooped as low as going for his own employee as of recent.

I have been telling my gullible friends/family this since 2013. This guy is a total grifter.

Some are now starting to acknowledge that.

Maybe someday we’ll get those self-driving cars.

aaaaaaany day now….

The monorail man had charisma though, he’s just a lazy copy

He is proof that we are ridiculously susceptible to propaganda.


I thought the Boring company was intended to make underground tunnels cheaper. Like a lot cheaper.

How it’s applied is another story. 

I sleep nice and comfy-cozy in my bed knowing Musk goes through life in constant anguish, with a background note of simmering self-hatred. No amount of money will ever dispel his desperation and bring him peace of mind. He has molded himself into something truly dysfunctional, and it makes me smile.


I dislike Elon too. But Tesla’s don’t go up in flames anymore than gas cars do. Guess which car I own has an extinguisher? My Jeep.

What the problem is any lithium fire, which is every EV, is incredibly hard to put out.

IMO, you can’t say Elon just buys stuff and doesn’t personally work on anything whilst also claiming *his* cars catch fire and *his* brain chips kill monkeys.

He’s either a CEO who doesn’t do anything, therefore you can’t criticize his products, or he’s a hands on CEO who does in which case you can criticize his products.

He is one person. Not the whole company.


He’s autistic

Were you sent here by the devil?

Hell of a space program though.

First quadriplegic man using Neuralink says otherwise. His whole life was transformed for better thanks to Elon & Team

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