Monuments or Morality?…

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Your participation trophies don’t matter. You racists lost that war.

Oh no, your monuments *absolutely do* matter, though. *We* are the ones who keep trying to tell *you* that.

Your monuments symbolize the rape, the kidnapping, the systematic, racist and deeply personal acts of abuse that slavery *constituted*. They memorialize your historic cabal of rapacious terrorist kidnappers, and because of that, because of what those people did, anyone who supports their monuments has terrible, evil morals, you included.

You are the ones who say the historical reality of who those men were, you say that doesn’t matter, that a monument can somehow stand for something other than the person monumentalized. The monuments are only acceptable if the history doesn’t matter, like you believe… and then, if the history doesn’t matter, *then* neither do the monuments.

Things that lasted longer than the confederacy:

Wii U

Fast and Furious Franchise

Grunge Music

Development for GTA 6

A monument to WHAT, Corey?

Ugh, the “But Muh Heritage” crowd really pisses me off. The statues were not constructed during or immediately after the war. They were constructed during the Jim Crow era to remind black people of their supposed place in the social hierarchy. To claim anything else is bullshit, as Jake Tapper so rightly pointed out.

I say this as a white woman living in the south currently who had ancestors who unfortunately owned slaves and fought for the confederacy. I even have an ancestor named after Stonewall Jackson. But I don’t feel compelled to go around fighting to keep up racist statues or have any desire to put up the flag of a racist, treasonous group of people who lost the war.

Forgot misogyny, child abuse, sex trafficking but damn good list nonetheless.

Nothing is worse than hearing a Southerner calling Dems racist because Dems want to tear down statues of racist Southern general.

The surprising number of people I’ve met who are in favor of confederate monuments and yet have a “strong rule over the week” mindset is hilarious to me.

Union won, Confederacy lost. Therefore, the union was strong, and the Confederacy was weak.

The worst part is the hypocrisy.

I’m from South and I’m all for demolishing every confederate monument except for those in Confederate cemeteries. I’m not suggesting that we erase history. In fact we should drill it into every child from grade school through high school that these figures were fighting a war for the “right” to buy and sell other humans. To use them up and then throw them away. These are not the figures that should be celebrated in the public square but reviled. No one who looks at videos of Iraqis tearing down statues of Saddam Hussein and complains about erasing history

Take the L, and just admit you are racist and skip the whole song and dance. Half of the people who fight for these statues never went to school to learn who or what they represent, just that it meant “southern values”.

So weird that the people who are most likely to complain about participation trophies get all salty about losing their participation trophies.

Looser monuments. Reminder that the South lost the was to keep people as property. Participation trophies if you will for treason.

The KKK carries on your heritage, you’re covered.

Unfortunately for anyone with any sense of human decency, to MAGAt, none of those things are worse as long as they happen to a minority or an lgbt+ person

Your monuments do matter. They matter because of the slavery, racism, torture, rape, treason, and sedition. If they didn’t matter, we wouldn’t be tearing them down.

Monuments that were mostly built DURING the Civil Rights movement as a way of flipping off African Americans and minorities in general?

“By tearing down these statues you’re destroying history!”

Sir many of those statues and other related things weren’t built until decades after the war and were built explicitly to intimidate black people.

As a Southerner who has ancestors fight for the Confederacy, fuck the monuments, and fuck the people who love them.

They have no idea what the word sedition means

Ah yes, the don’t trust a Yankee then worship Donald Trump crowd. The consistent constituency.

You mean the monuments to the brief, six-year part of “Southern Heritage” where they decided that they didn’t want to be Americans anymore and fire on US troops because they wanted to keep owning human beings?

They also seem to forget that the Confederacy lasted 4 whole years and was built on retaining slavery indefinitely. You’d think they’d lost 1000’s of years of culture and history.

We don’t have statues of Hitler or any of his cabinet or administrators. We don’t celebrate Ho Chi Minh in any form.

Southern heritage and monuments are symbols of racism, slavery, treason, etc.

They belong in a museum for people to learn how the South fucking lost the war so badly they made up monuments after and tried to pretend it was about states rights.

It was about slavery.

Am I here early enough to be the one to point out the vast majority of those statues got put up 50-75 years after the war in the early days of the Civil Rights movement? Putting up statues of Confederate generals was about telling black people that the whites of the Jim Crow South were very much still in charge. The monuments went up as gestures of Conservative Racism, and it’s the Conservative Racists who are screaming bloody murder about the possibility of taking them down.


but not secession.

What are you memorializing ? These people GeForce’s that part

But they’re monuments of Democrats! Democrat generals, Democrat politicans, Democrats!

Morality sure is an interesting topic these days

Their families probably didn’t even live in the south during the civil war. heck they probably weren’t even American.

Hi, southerner here, the Confederate statues DO NOT MATTER.

Don’t forget surrender and defeat.

Those monuments are DEI propaganda. Erecting statues and such to losers who lost is some real participation trophy stuff. They were clearly not qualified for the job.

States with these monuments should lose funding until they are all removed.

This man grew up in Minnesota. He can fuck right off.


Put up 50 to 70 years after you betrayed your country so you could have slaves.

That bottom part is the Republican platform

Monuments *of* their Morality.

That’s what the monuments are to, you Yank! Oh, I see what he did there.


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