More… I am not sated… Feed me more… Death.

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maliketh, the good boy

Fuck it, i’ll risk death for the pooch.

Maliketh, The Black Dawg

Just make sure he doesn’t say he needs death to become his blade.

Beast Clergydog: โ€œThou, who approacheth Destined Bone. I will not have it stolen from me again.โ€

Witless Tarnished. Why covet Destined Death?

*โ€œ…I smell it… Treats… Feed it me…โ€*

Mergo’s wet nurse would like to have a word

I will not have it stolen from me again.
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Damn that stare bro is NOT happy๐Ÿ˜ญ

~~Worm~~ Dogface

Malikute, the loyal blade!

oh no my dear

Give it me!

Here, just in case.
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Maybe take a break and grab a snack!

that look haha

I give you eyeโ€ฆ and clawโ€ฆ.

I will not part with it

O, Death. Become my blade, once more.

And slippers?

Fuck manโ€ฆ now Iโ€™m thinking about Sif all these years later.

I felt like shit after that battle.

Goes on to be one of the best boss fights in the entire game

Maliketh, the Black Bork

Are you suggesting I could’ve taken Maliketh out by…. Playing fetch?

This brought me lots of joy, lol. Ty!

Just don’t let him eat too many death poops. He may get aggro. (My dogs sometimes eat old dead turds if im not super fast on the pick up.) ๐Ÿ˜‘

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