Most Annoying Actors/Actresses?

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Jimmy Fallon is such an annoying actor they made him a TV Host.

James Corden

Jared Leto. Method acting is one thing, but he’s a dick about it.

Steven Seagal

Ellen Degeneres

I see a pretty good list forming. Ellen has to be top 5, but #1 for me.

Gwyneth Paltrow

Lena Dunham

Amy Schumer

James Corden.

**James Corden** for being over-the-top and appearing in numerous projects where his humor feels forced.

Dwayne the Hart Johnson.

Kevin Hart and the Rock….. it’s next level headache when they are cast togather

The Rock

I’m sick of those fuking mint commercials

Jennifer Lopez is insufferable.

James Corden

George Lopez

Kevin Hart. He’s about as funny as a cancer diagnosis

Not an Actor but James Corden


Kathy Griffin

Gal Gadot

Amy Schumer

Anyone that thinks they’ve transcended into politics.

The guy with the curly hair from Now You See Me.

I don’t like Awkafina

T.J. Miller

Mindy Kaling.

Mark Wahlberg

Russel Brand

Rachel Zegler

Millie Bobby Brown seems like an insufferable spoiled brat in her interviews and industry gossip seems to confirm this. I can’t stand her.

Russel Brand

Amber Heard, aside from all the Johnny shit, is just a bad actress. It’s like watching SNL but not laughing.

James Cordon

Jonah Hill. Heard he’s a pretty obnoxious person off the screen, too.

Demi Lovato

Quentin Tarantino. I know that he’s one of the most greatest filmmakers of all time, but he can be annoying at some time. Idk why but something about the way he talks kinda makes me feel like I wanna shove a sock down his throat just to shut him up.

Kristin Bell and Dax Shephard – no one cares about your marriage

Whoopi Goldberg

I’ll get down voted, but I’m just gonna say it: Austin Butler. The guy is just so damn cheesy, he’s like this Nickelodeon teen heart throb they keep forcing on the public as a serious actor

cara delevingne. I will not watch anything she in. I watched some if her first movies and she’s just talking wood. True nepotism at work. I don’t care if her acting improved and she’s amazing. No one else’s career should have survived her beginning career. Yet she kept getting roles.

Martin Lawrence… Pauly Shore… Rob Schneider

Jai Courtney

Ryan Reynolds 

Idk why, but I can’t stand him

Chris Pratt. The minute I see him in a trailer I will assume it’s a generic cash grab.

Not quite as bad as The Rock or Kevin Hart, nearing those heights.

Ryan Reynolds.

Just admit it, he’s annoying.

Kevin hart

Kirk Cameron. He doesn’t really act, so I guess he doesn’t count.

Jim Parsons

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