most challenged challenger

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That book on the right is still too thick. He could fill out a single fold pamphlet with people he’s actually fought

Did he eve fought someone in his life except in social media?

Im sure I would win

And like, I donā€™t think I would win most fights either

I would gladly beat his ass if it would make him shut up

He doesn’t immediately look like the most threatening or scary guy once you see his build. I don’t get what it is with these dorks and wanting to be seen as alpha or tough. Brother you’re not scaring or convincing anyone with that yeeyee ass build, just stick to what you know šŸ˜‚

I would love to fight Elon Musk. If I had just 3 wishes I’d fight him twice

There should be no book for people hes fought.

I feel i could fight and beat Elon musk with dream like slow mo punches

Plost twist: All the pages on the right are just blank

Why would he fight

Why is Elon even being Physical in the first place ?

Iā€™d fight him, and since Iā€™m a slightly dumpy Middle Ages man he might actually accept (if I sit in a wheelchair). I might not win but Iā€™d pay for the chance to throw a punch at him.

uwe boll did the same.

I don’t know who “Munsk” is, but I’m pretty sure Musk has never been in a physical fight.

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