Most f@$ked death you have seen.

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There’s a few in The Road that are absolutely brutal. The whole movie leaves you feeling completely hopeless.

The sidewalk one in American History X

Medics death on saving private ryan

Bone. Tomahawk.

Yeah that GOT one is definitely one of the worst. I remember being really disturbed when it happened.

The son and wife’s death in Road to Perdition, Howard’s death in Better Call Saul, Andrea in Breaking Bad, and Tracee in The Sopranos.

hereditary is up there, you know which one

The baseball kid in Doctor Sleep

The wolf death in Frozen is grim. Very visceral even off screen.

The Lust death in Se7en had the biggest effect on me though. Genuinely kinda ruined me for a couple of days, and I’m pretty desensitised.

Oh and the beach scene in Under The Skin traumatised me. Still think about it all the time years later.

The neverending story ):

The Green Mile. IYKYK.

That scene was more horrifying than most of the deaths I’ve seen from actual horror films.

Interview With A Vampire (1994)

The death of Claudia was pretty gut wrenching.

Old Yeller.

I just can’t.

The ending to The Mist comes to mind.

Mellish’s death in Saving Private Ryan, slowly getting stabbed by the German soldier, while Upham is in the stairway paralyzed by fear and anxiety (an actual medical condition) because he was untrained for combat.

Let the adults talk. Come on, nobody here has seen Alex Murphy’s death in Robocop (the original).

Hotel Mumbai, the terrorists made the housemaids phone the rooms looking for Amercians. The ones that didn’t were executed. It really happened. That was really fucked up.

Grave Of the fireflies

The cat’s death in The Boondock Saints.

That buffalo in Apocalypse Now

When I was a kid, it was when Atreyu’s horse Artax dies in the swamp in the movie The NeverEnding Story.

As an adult, definitely Shireen Baratheon being burned to death in Game Of Thrones. As a father to a young daughter, that was hard to watch. Her screaming and begging her parents for help before and while being burned alive…

Red wedding was pretty bad. Had read the books already but seeing it on screen was gut wrenching

That scene in Volcano where some dude gets melted in the subway tunnel saving the driver of the train. That scene fucked me up as a kid. I was at a friend’s house for a sleepover, we were probably 10-11 years old, and his alcoholic dad threw it on for us to watch. I was scared to go underground for awhile, I even had a hard time going into the basement with the lights off.

We also watched 50 first dates that night and learned how to hand roll a cigarette.

Tig Trager’s daughter in Sons of Anarchy

Boy in the Striped Pyjamas. A cinema death gave a deeper perspective of loss for the 6 million who actually died in real life.

Weirdest death was Peter Quill’s mum, who was killed by a planet with whom she’d had a child.

“I am a leaf on the wind – watch how I soar”

Have you all forgotten when the Mountain literally squished Oberyn Martell’s head with his hands?

disemboweled hanging – Hannibal

The Perfect Storm when John C Reilly says, as the Andrea Gail capsizes and is sinking, “This will really hurt my boy.” (Paraphrased)

When the guy gets his dick cut off in hostel 2

The Santoro brothers being bludgeoned to death using baseball bats in Casino is the only right answer

this got me but also what got me was the acting from the mom. she was all for this till it became reality then she couldnt live with it. its so human to do that

Victor Aguilar

Laurie Holden in Silent Hill

Glenn from TWD. Why?

Hated the eye gouging death in Bladerunner. Love that movie but hate that part.

Midsommee: dude is paralyzed by drugs and inside a bear suit, in a cabin set on fire and burns to death.

John Wick’s puppy

Stabbing death in Saving Private Ryan. Scorpion in the box in Hook.

Midnight mass, I can still hear the screams

The bottle scene from Pan’s Labirynth.

In a movie with literal monsters, a regular human is the more vile creature.

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