Most people don’t even realize how normal and set up for success dude was. He took one for civilization.

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You’re ignoring the info that came out about the chronic back pain. That took a real psychologic toll on him in the past couple of years.

Chronic pain.

His back was fucked and he lost everything he cared for in a very short span (sounds like a potential botched back surgery). Only people with chronic pain can understand. He took his “out” by making a hopefully massive impact on bettering this broken society… hard to be mad at.

From what I heard, he had a back surgery that got messed up and was in pain all the time.

It’s one thing to think of pain as like a cut or bruise, but when literally existing hurts it messes with your brain.

It’s a constant button being pressed in your mind that you cannot get away from. If you’re lucky, you get a couple of hours in sleeping to get away, but most aren’t.

I have tendinitis and even that is my own personal hell, waking up in pain, not being able to move right, having to be careful of the way I move or I’ll exacerbate my problems. These are just a few things that go on with chronic pain.

This man was and is suffering. It’s easy to look at his timeline from an outside point of view and say he went nuts or whatever else you wanna say. But at the end of the day, this guy was suffering like tons of folks we all know and hold dear in our lives.

Seems like a normal guy who was driven to do what he did because of a broken healthcare system that worked against him and caused him a lot of pain.

Leaving the part out where he. Gets rat fucked by insurance

MUCH better for the cause of revolutionizing the healthcare system that the shooter was as upstanding as this fellow.

Violence is shooting a United Healthcare CEO on the the street.

Systemic Violence is denying healthcare to someone who needs it.

If this young man was denied care in anyway that he thought was vital to his well being, I would argue it was self defense.

It is interesting to me that you can take your attackers life if you feel threatened, however you can’t defend yourself violently against systemic violence if your life or wellbeing is on the line. I mean if Corporations are considered people in the eyes of the law, and they are engaging in systemic violence, they shouldn’t be treated any differently

Not American. Just getting that out there first.

I have some questions for our friend’s across the pond.

How the hell is anyone expected to be an unbiased juror when he goes to trial?

His entire life is now out in public for anyone to know and the press and internet are making sure the whole world knows it all.

Are they deliberately trying to bias a jury against him because the bloke he allegedly killed was a globally recognised cunt? Or is this level of exposing information that would normally in the UK be held until the trial normal for the US system? From an outside perspective its mass jury tampering before a jury is even selected.

and soon to be portrayed by Dave Franco in a Netflix special

It is usually the children of the wealthy that begin revolutions.

Saw in another thread that the chronic back pain was so bad he couldn’t even have sex, on top of not being able to surf or hike or any of the other activities he loved doing. Bro went from winning at life and living the dream in Hawaii to a life of painful misery that would never be the same, I can’t even comprehend what a gut punch that would be.

He had very bad back pain.

You don’t have to be born poor to empathize with the struggle. Respect

I would not be surprised if he commited suicide in jail. He ll probably not receive good treatment for his back pain medication and it will get worse. From what is said on the internet he was probably in a dark place. But suicide rate in carceral population is two or three times higher than in general population. In other terms the two alleged causes for his action are going to get worse for him.

A healthy man has many dreams.

An unhealthy man has one.

I guess I would need to hear from his friends about his disappearing from their lives for 3 months. But I would not be surprised.

Bro was rich, yet despite this, watched his mother, grandmother, and eventually himself succumb to likely totally preventable health conditions, that were not prevented because of a choice made by his insurance provider.

His back was fucked, his life as he knew it had ended, and all he had to look forward to was a life of pain that his health insurance provider- someone that he had likely paid huge premiums for, wasn’t willing to help him out on.

Revenge kill the CEO. Go to prison. Get his back fixed on prison healthcare, spend most of his life without freedom but also without pain, knowing that he avenged the deaths of people he cared about and knowing that he has set a fire under the US healthcare industry that is going to be *real* expensive to hush up. Sounds like a pretty good trade-off to me. I’d love to see some legislation address the concerns brought up by everyone after the killing, then he would have truly won.

People are left agonizing in pain because they’re denied care they’re paying for.

Experience chronic pain for a while and all your intelligence will revolve around it.

He rationalized an answer for a feeling of pain and injustice.

It’s like institutionalized torture, and you’re losing money, your time and health to make it.

Human history is made of suffering and profit, this is just a David vs Goliath moment.

“No signs of instability” followed by “disappears from friends for 3 months.”

Having a long track record of being social and then suddenly being extremely unsocial is a sign of instability.

He did as he was told, followed the rules, and, like a lot of hardworking Americans, got railroaded by the insurance industry. All the while watching corrupt clowns clowns get everything they’ve ever wanted

Back injuries at a young age are debilitating and no one takes it seriously when you are young. Should have gotten a reverse hyper instead of going the medical route. They will only treat your symptoms so you can keep being a customer. I got a bulging disc L5-S1 with sciatica. Reverse hyper, hip openers, inversion table, and lots of stretching helps it. Will never get it fused or get injections.

As someone who had to suffer through six months of excruciating back pain because my insurance company wanted to try injections instead of the surgery my doctor recommended, I get it. Being in that kind of chronic pain takes you to some *really* dark places.

See that little 3 month window? That’s the important part.

Looks like someone realized he was in the Matrix and decided it was time to deal with Agent Smith.

The guys bot even crazy, he’s just realized that this country IS crazy, and more than likely smart enough to realize it’s time to stand up to the tyranny that has taken hold of the system.

He watched fight club

Radicalized by reality

Disappears for five days, shows up at a McDonald’s in Pennsylvania with a back pack full of “I did it.” I dunno I have a hard time believing it.

Alphabet recruit

Unfortunately Go to another country if you need health care asap bc like Michael Jackson told us “they don’t really care about us”

He got frustrated over something and we know what those are.

Hashtag pardon

homie got MK ultrad

The founder of Texas Roadhouse died by suicide in (I think) 2021. He did this due to post covid tinnitus. He was a decent man (gave back to employees a lot) and was extremely wealthy. Money can’t buy health. Chronic pain kills – one way or another – externally or internally. None of this surprises me to read about. They will try to claim he’s crazy (as ableist as that is) bc it’s more palatable for the peons who think money đźź°happiness. Wear a mask people. If the surveillance state don’t get you – something else catching will. Also…adventure and drive safely, we are all one surfing accident away from this man’s reality.

He took one for nothing. Will be remembered, but system will stay in place.

He was fed up.

“Took one for civilization” as if this will change anything in the long run

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