most Scarlett Johansson looking president

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Oh my God he does

Hear me out. I have an idea for a biopic….

Yeah, would 

Well, Michael Che is gonna have a blast for next christmas special. Poor Colin.

Wouldn’t Scarlett Johansson look like Jimmy Carter, since he’s older though?

Get it right. Scar-Jo is our most Jimmy Carter looking actress.

Did you guys hear the latest SNL Weekend Update Christmas Skit? It was great.

He looks like tilda Swinton as well.



Looks like a repost. I’ve seen this image 5 times.

First Seen [Here]( on 2024-12-30 96.88% match. Last Seen [Here]( on 2024-12-30 95.31% match

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I didn’t know he was so handsome back in his day.


[Hm]comment image)

He looks like Scarlett’s slightly intense dad


I think he looks more like Amy Adams, but he does look like SJ.

Looks more like reddit’s founder Steve Huffman


Well, in any group of people there will always be one in the group that is the most Scarlett Johanson looking.

So now we know what ScarJo is going to look like when she’s 100?

Abe Lincoln was the most Cameron Diaz looking president ever

What strange times we live in

i’m reading it more like tilda swinton

Scarmy Joharter.

Looks more Tilda Swinton-ish to me.


Well, I now have to question my sexuality. Thanks.

I would rather a good person have been a subjectively mediocre president, than a bad person who was a subjectively good president.

Character matters more to me then talent or ability or the perception there of and I used to think this was the prevailing way of thinking, did that change it was I wrong all along?

Good golly, are they related by chance?! Wow

When he was in the Navy, he got the award for Best Rack In The Fleet

His eyes are prettier, but her ears are smaller.


Gerald Ford ?

WHAT THE. *DROPS YOUNG STALIN’S PORTRAIT*. New history-i’ll absolutely-nail-but-can’t-because-I’ll die-or-they’re-dead picture book

I get the feeling Jimmy Carter would’ve have thought this was pretty funny.

A twink before his time

To clarify for those confused, Jimmy is the one on the left.

jimmy Carter more like jimmy butch

Most Jimmy Carter looking actress

Wouldn’t.. wouldn’t it be Scarlett looks like Cater? Cause yk. He’s first


I hate when I can see into people’s nostrils when looking at them straight on

Where was he when she was born ?

Why is this so fucking funny?

I’m not even American but I respect the fuck out of Jimmy Carter because of what he did for brewing as an industry. I owe my career to him.

As much as I feel like this is making fun of a dead man who I respect, it’s just funny.

Oh. Oh my god.

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