Moved into a new place 3 days ago; came home to a random phone charging in my carport today..

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Everybody telling you to “take the phone” is just asking for your shit to get fucked up.

If you really have no idea who it is then your best bet is to simply turn off the breaker to the outlet.

If it stops working they’re not going to knock on your door to ask why and they might stop by a few times to try it again but as long as you leave it off they’ll learn it doesn’t work and give up on it.

Turn on the breaker when you need it.


Turn off the breaker.

I do believe you can padlock those plastic outlet covers shut I’ve seen them done that way at some public parks

Swap it out for a banana.

Any chance this is new construction? When I had a house that was just finished and they were working on the next couple, sometimes folks working on the new houses would go to the last house that was completed (mine) to plug-in stuff like personal phones. I once even came home to find a 4-battery DeWalt charger plugged in.

It only lasted about a week until they had electrical service in the next house. I doubt it cost me more than a few bucks total, and it was my intention to stay on the good side of the contractors in case I needed any post-move stuff fixed up quick.

If it was my wife, sister or mother that called me with these circumstances; new to the area, new single family dwelling, mystery phone charging at my door, I’d recommend calling the cops for a premises safety walk.

Turn off the power to the outlets and turn off the water spigots. If you have a shed or garage, make sure they are kept locked. Put up cameras.

My wife owns a building in a small town. She started having problems with a homeless couple hanging out on the property. I put up some cameras and did some other investigating I found out why. There’s a power outlet that they discovered under a bench and we forgot to turn off the water spigots. Also found that one of the tenants had an open wireless access point. Had the tenant secure the access point, turned off water and power outside and removed the benches.

You’d think that would be the end of it and they’d move on. Nope. They came a pounding on the door demanding my wife turn the water and electricity back on. They threatened the tenant for securing their wireless connection. After spending a few nights in jail, that was enough for them to get the point and move on.

Are you renting? could ask landlord if there is a history of this happening

Everyone saying to take it or to just let it charge is fucking stupid. It’s not about cost. It’s principle. And guess what. You are advising a woman to confront a fucking homeless person at night? Get the fuck out of here. Kill the outlet with the breaker, but leave it alone. A wild majority of homeless people are mentally ill, which is why they are homeless. That can be dangerous. If they attempt to make contact, I’d call the cops and let them handle it. It’s not your problem.

If you’re super concerned, why not get a ring camera or something on your carport area and you can keep an eye out.

Install some cameras, too

Unplug it and leave it alone. That should be sufficient notice to the owner that you noticed what they did and you don’t care for it.

I used to let an unhoused man charge his stuff on the side of my house. He disappeared a few weeks before I moved so I was unable to tell him it was no longer my house. But I did tell my new tenants so they would know.

Luckily they were cool with it when he came back.

Could be that simple. If you aren’t okay with it leave a note. Maybe make something up like “my partner has ptsd so I’m sorry but please don’t use this for charging anymore.”

Not discounting the obvious risk and dangers, but it could also be some fella in need of help.

I’d also install security cameras just in case the situation gets worse (guess it could work as some sort of deterrent)

Previous tenant? Overly friendly neighbor of previous tenant? It could be a homeless person but it seems like they’re pretty familiar with the house.

Homeless thing is probably valid. Call the leasing office tomorrow. Sorry you’re dealing with this. But you’ll be ok

Get a myq camera. See who’s doing this. Then Get those metal things with the loop for a lock to replace this item. Then unplug and lock.

Turn the breaker off for that outlet.

This has happened to me before. Caught him using our water & leaving the garden hose on too. We turned the breaker and water off to the outside and he moved on

On the one hand it’s kinda scary but on the other hand someone wouldn’t just leave their phone charging at someone’s house unless their either a kid someone dumb or someone desperate

I am in property management, we have a few properties with carports in less than desirable neighborhoods. As soon as the houses become vacant the homeless will know. They often sleep in the carport (moving the trash cans in front of the wall to sleep behind) and will often charge their phones there. After somebody moves in and they take notice they’ll disappear until the property becomes vacant again. If I were you I’d install a battery powered Ring or Blink camera in the carport (as high as you can so they can’t reach it). Make sure you leave the carport light on at night and when you are not there.

You ever find out?

REPLACE that cover with a LOCK BOX. Also; contact the local PD. You never know; someone might be using their phone location as an alibi. Better safe than sorry

Also get a camera asap. And lock your doors at night. And just be sure not have any unknown person inside at night.

Definitely just cut the power to the outlet, it’s just the simplest switching their breaker off. Leave it alone don’t touch it. And then figure out how to take off that outdoor lid and swap it out with something more secure and to be locked. Don’t put a lock on the plastic cover you have now it’s just going to be get broken. It’s possible that it’s a very easy swap for a different one, they should be plenty of YouTube videos and how to do it. Once the power is turned off, and I suggest turning off all the breaker switches just to be extra safe, you should be able to deal with a few simple tools

I used to have homeless people plug their chargers in the side of my house I never minded but a few times I’d hear rustling at night and have to let them know how close they were to getting shot

I would call the police, have them collect the phone and check your property for any people who may be there. It would make me feel uncomfortable to not confront this situation immediately.

Right after moving into a new house a dude just busted our lock to the back door and walked in. He looked as shocked as we were and said he would sneak in to smoke weed from time to time but didn’t know the place wasn’t vacant anymore. He was our neighbor. It was an awkward time in our lives.

Your phone now! 🥰 /s

Yeah, new phone! Was it unlocked?

Do you own or rent? If you own, stick locks on your outside outlets.

Free phone!

I used some stranger’s outdoor outlet when my car died. Nobody would stop to jump me, and my battery was so dead that my jump starter drained fully. I knocked but nobody answered and I was in need


Op is in the back of someone’s trunk right now /s

You may have a homeless person around. Leave a note.

Power is in the wall, so put a switch on the inside to turn the outlet on and off. Quick job, including finish work, less than an hour.

Just cut the power to that outlet after a week and the person will go away

Were I in your situation I’d likely look into getting cameras as a deterrent for the future.

Maybe the last owners had some type of deal with a homeless person and they don’t know that you’re the new owner

Lock that outlet.

I would suggest some home security. Mine is called “Big ass dog” pretty effective.

Throw the breaker and get the covers that you can Lock with a key, so people don’t steal your electricity

“I’m gonna give ya til the count of 10 to get your ugly, yella, no good kiester off my property before I pump your guts full ‘o lead! One…two….”

Land Owners Rights, the phone is yours now.

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