Mozart of racism

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Ehbuddy Mooseknuckle

Scotty McHaggis checking in

Pierog Brzęczyszczykiewicz

Pierre Pulaclope.

Anna Mal Danjarooz

I’m Australian.

Seamus O’Finnoflannigan, he’s 3 foot 2, speaks in an indecipherable mountain accent, loves butter beer and riding his mystic flying golden sheep named “goldhoof mcguinness”, violently hates Harry Potter because he’s British

Paddy O’Carbombs

Not an original joke but Hormonie Changer always gets me

Manfred Reinhardt von Horstengündolf.

Whaleeater McOilmoney

Maria Flamenco

Willem van der Wietmolen for my Dutch ass

Juanita “Tequila” San Iliguel

Probably something like Hellas Papadopoulos or Herakles Gyro or some dumb shit

Bianca White.

Fondue Goldbunker

Manfred Wurstmeier

As a mix Belgian and Chinese Singaporean living in the Netherlands I’m claiming Lingling Vanderklomp, magical waffle maker who knows kung fu and lives in a windmill.

Luigi Mangione

Bomda Towe’rs

Lee Wang.

Seamus O’tato

Pierre Spearchucker (I’m black and French)

Something like Ram Singh etc ig

(Tho we already have Parvati and Padma Patil as examples of Rowling cooking)

IVAN VODKENSTEIN (I’m half jewish)

Chico Soccerspell

Irish McFuckface

Samantha (Sam) Washington and she speaks like a redneck

Ronaldinho Carnavalius

Mario Mangiapizza or something like that I guess

Hans Germansen, the blonde blue eyed wizard that was cast out from the Death Eaters because his political views were too extreme.

As a russian intersex woman I’d guess somewhere in the direction of… Slaviana Hermaphrodita?

Can anyone explain the Kingsley Shaklebolt (or whatever) connotations?

Is Jonathan Cracker taken?

Pickina Cotton.

Allahu Akbar Zindabad.


Name still kinda slaps. Also rattles and clanks a little.

Jan Janssen.

Maple Leif

giuseppe stromboli

its not even wrong. i will never forget about anthony goldstein, jewish wizard

Adolf Reicher or Ube Rmenscher

Ashleigh Mayonnaise for me

Not me, but these days i thought that JK Rowling would name a tgirl car mechanic “Carmen”

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