Mr beast complains about us healthcare

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We may not like him, but he makes a good point

i mean shiiiiiiiiiit he ain’t wrong

He did very shady stuff, but he has a point. It’s ridiculous that an entertainer does more for healthcare than the actual government…

Itโ€™s pretty sad that a YouTuber has done more good for certain people than our own government.

It is refreshing to see Americans actually getting the topic, what is wrong with their healthcare.

In other reddit subs like “AmericaBad” immediately it is communism and socialism bad, there is often an attitude “not my problem when others can’t afford it, they should get better work” etc.

I think it is a government responsibility to care for your citizens at least at a basic level when it comes to health, life and social security. Capitalism has its ups and downs, but at least a minimum social security net should be implemented in the richest country in the history of the world in my opinion.

MrBeast is a strange, much too rich guy – but at least he is doing something good with his money in this case, so props to him.

Say what you want about MrBeast, you can’t argue he has been pretty damn consistent in his support for philanthropic efforts. And he ain’t wrong about this — surprising to see him take such a strong political stance.

How is this flaired as Mr Beast Drama? You can hate him all you want but he literally made a good point and people are still getting mad at him. I swear Mr Beast could say โ€œwhat Hitler did was badโ€ and people would still blow it up and say how wrong he is lol

Controversy aside, he does make a good point. It’s sad that people have to rely on a YouTuber to get healthcare treatment than their own insurance companies.

Actually Mr beast paying for people’s healthcare makes the system worse and is a bad thing

~ the most insufferable person you know

When the villian makes a good point

Amid all the allegations and controversy, he says something that American (and possibly the world) agrees upon about US healthcareย 

I have to agree with him on this one.

Heโ€™s being more direct than I expected. We may be witnessing his first steps into a (future looking) presidential campaign.

He’s just campaigning to restore his image after all those people came out about him hiring pedophiles and all the other shady shit he did. Acts of kindness and generosity don’t really matter so much when they’re being done for popularity and business, the why is very important.

You’ll know he’s only doing this for attention if there was no attention or money to be made he wouldn’t be doing this.

This isn’t much different than a person donating a large sum of money and making it well known that they dontated a large sum of money to a charity.

Yeah 2,000 people get to walk again because he helped them out but imagine if he had taken the money he had used to produce the video and to help those 2,000 people and gave it to a charity or an organization actually deals with these type of things they probably could have helped far more than 2,000 people.

Cleary this post is made in self defense. Man doesn’t want to be in a mario brothers film.

Now heโ€™s gonna hold a contest where 50,000 amputees have to balance on their stump for his amusement while he shoots paintballs at them and whoever lasts the longest gets bionic cyborg legs.

MrBeast for president lol . His party will be ” Beast-able”

This reminds me of what Jacksepticeye said about Beast: you might not like him, but you gotta admit that heโ€™s done a lot of good for quite a few people and communities

I don’t mean to be difficult, but I feel like when he says “*We* need to fix it,” he’s referring to his fellow multi-millionaires. He’s not supporting Single-Payer or some other Public Healthcare plan (unless that’s in a different tweet?), he’s just laying groundwork for BeastHealth HMO brought to you by Blue Cross to launch in a year or so.

Stopped clock is right twice a day.

okay, then donate more but without trying to get clout this time.

Wait until he decides to not pay for 6 months until it’s gets called out like with helping the blind to see

Heartbreaking, worst person you know, etc.

Unfortunately and fortunately these influencers (hate that word) have a lot of pull so if all the major communaties and channels where to speak up as one it would cause a lot of pressure especially after the shooting

The worst person I know just made a great point

A broken clock is right twice a day

Even though he has been in a lot of drama lately, I totally agree with this opinion!

Either itโ€™s a 1/million chance you get payed off by a celebrity or you are lucky enough to find some rich person to support your GoFundMe. Either way you have to be lucky or rich to survive.

Itโ€™s trendy to dunk on health insurance companies right now so of course he is.


Also, GoFundMe is practically one of the largest health insurance networks too.

He prolly just saying that cuz he just got the bill to the ppl injured in his beast games or something

The fact that it takes a YouTuber to fix what the system fails to provide is both inspiring and heartbreaking. MrBeast is doing what governments should be prioritizing.

Maybe he needs to do more of this kind of thing instead of doing his best Logan Paul impressionโ€ฆ

In 2 years he’ll run for president, this is just him warming ppl up to the idea of him taking over

Heโ€™s not wrong.

Good point but ig he might follow elon musk

Heartbreaking: The worst person you know makes a good point

It’s not charity if you brag about it.

Jimmy wants to be president.

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