Mr Krabs is right

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It’s not too late

I think it’s time to bring back old traditions.

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how many times do we have to teach you this lesson old man?

Can anyone prove Elon and trump werent in Berlin in 1943? Thought not.

We still do, this is America

Teslas are nazi cars now

Oho we used to do so much worse. Might be good to see traditions brought back.

No, we shot them, bombed them, tried them then hanged them.

It’s all about learning from the past and moving forward. Change is constant, but some lessons never fade.

I mean, it doesn’t really matter if he did one or not. He is still a thin-skinned pompous arrogant rich child with drug addictions and an unchecked ego backed by more wealth than should be fucking allowed spewing hateful rhetoric in a position of power.

Arguing over whether or not it was an actual Nazi salute is dumb, because he is inherently more dangerous than a literal nazi, and should be treated as such.

Wheres BJ Blazkowicz when you need him

My grandfather got an award from the government for shipping across seas to kill these people.

Now they’re here and we’re supposed to celebrate them?

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Commenting to see when this post will be removed / censored. The fuck is happening.

In some places we still do!

Make American German Again

I still beat people up for doing things like that. No exceptions.

what do you mean “used to”?


We need this guy

It’s not too late

We still do

We still can.

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