Mugshot of CEO of United Healthcare Brian Thompson for his DUI arrest in 2017

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I will never understand insanely wealthy people getting DUIs. If I had that money, I would never drive again, drunk or sober. 

Yet I am sure we won’t be getting newspaper editorials telling us that he was “no angel”.

“When Im not collecting bonuses for developing new ways of denying sick patients life saving care, Im driving my car drunk!”

He was no angel

Let me guess, he got it dismissed, probation, diversion or something like that?

I have some bad news, Your husband was found DOA. Oh wait I mean DWI, I always get those two mixed up.

Wait, wait, wait…

You’re telling me this man with a wife and kids, didn’t have enough responsibility or respect for other people with families to not operate heavy machinery while drunk?

The shock!

They should’ve used this picture in the newspaper

Thousands of UHC subscribers died needlessly so this guy could live a life of luxury and then drive his expensive automobile drunk.

How do people who fuck up like this still end up in prestigious positions in charge of hundreds if not thousands of other employees and executives?

I’ve been blacklisted from promotions and raises because of the most petty and inconsequential shit like my phone ringing during a meeting.

Glad we have one less drunken frat dude that only cares about money on this planet…

Yet I would rather him be shitfaced drunk behind the wheel 24/7 than behind his desk at United. the survival rate of people would’ve been much greater.

Hey man, there’s plenty of people with a record who aren’t as evil and callous as this guy was.

How much did he pay to make this go away?

dead eyes

Nowhere near as photogenic as Luigi.

Funny how the media aren’t focusing on every single bad thing that he’s done, like all those black people killed by cops.

How is his head so fucking square

His love of trying to kill people bled into his off hours, what a hero

What I want to see are pictures of the people who died due to United Healthcare canceling treatments and policies.

What a punchable face.

Free Luigi, this man had a pre existing condition

I want to make tshirts with this image

Punchable face

This is the photo of him that the press should be using. If he was a POC, I guarantee they would be.

A regular person can’t clear a background check for a white collar job with DUI. How the fuck does this guy get a CEO job? and that for a healthcare company?!

“But but but he’s a family man! With two children!”

Oh wow, I couldnt get a job as a paramedic because of a 2013 arrest for 2 grams of marijuana. Even till this day after I spent a year on probation + costs + piss tests + everything under the sun.

Its now the year 2024 – and even though I have a record from the judge stating it would be adjudicated or in his own words “dismissed” – it still pops up on a federal check.

Fucker gets a DUI and becomes one of the most powerful CEOS of all time.

FUCK YOU BURN IN HELL BRIAN.. And i do mean with all due respect

UHC is shit but so is Aetna. Solid work gig if you suck enough dick

Mouth breather

He was no angel folks

he was also separated from his wife (Each living in their own mansions)… which is probably why she seemed to give so little of a fuck about it

Guy liked killing people so much by denying care he tried to get a few more people directly.

Why aren’t the news using this photo. 🤔

Oooohhh I get to cosplay a conservative today!

“If the damn judge had given him a longer sentence imagine how many lives would have been saved! But no, they turn them right back out onto the street!”

He was a father though!

Some other great fathers include Mao, Stalin, Pol Pot, Saddam Hussain, Putin, the list goes on and on of great fathers that had jobs in leadership.

Maybe people should understand the pressures of being a leader and needing to make difficult decisions like how many people they will kill this year.

Let’s all try and have more empathy for these fine people.

Something about those eyes man. Straight out of a horror flick. Eyes of a predator

Hah, that bozo can rest in piss.

We live in a country where a guy with a DUI can be CEO and a guy who sold nuclear secrets can be president and a guy who accepted bribes can be a Supreme Court Justice.

Is he in actual prison clothes for a DUI mugshot… not hating it, just curious

Should be his obituary pic

He couldn’t even get into Canada – a country with a functional healthcare system. Ironic.

Gotta admire the hold in that hair spray.

Doubt he’ll ever do that again

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