Murderd by kindness

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The ultimate reverse Uno card, kindness edition. This is what emotional maturity looks like.

good one Quba Islamic Institute.

Turning hate back on itself.

I was in high school in the area when this happened, Quba Islamic Institute was burned due to a hate crime, which resulted in a flood of comments such as these. Since the fire happened outside of a prayer time, no one was harmed in the fire, despite the massive damage.

unintentional kindness made him delete not only his face book account but his life as well

If only all religious people would react to stupid nonsense like this the world would probably be a lot better than now

I doubt he handed out sandwiches or bibles either. All talk, no action with these folks.

Budweiser Bubba set himself up perfectly for that elegant comeback.

Сompletely destroyed by a nice Muslim man

The hat shields his brain from the word and teachings of Jesus.

Jesus is like a huge deal in Islam. Its weird people think a bible would offend Muslims lol

“Ooh Hoo Hoo, I’m gon git these Muslim people SOOO good. They can’t eat bacon!

Now, what’s the most common way to eat bacon… OH I know, bacon SANDWICHES. DUH! Everybody just slaps several strips onto plain Wonder bread like I do.

*typing* ba…con…sand…wich…es. HA, fuckin got em!!”

Shit, maybe Trump should name this guy Press Secretary. He seems on par with other candidates he pushed.

When Yosemite Sam’s plan backfires

This cunt cough up?

Guy was shy enough to conduct a bible study

I love that in the bigoted mind, not eating pork has become “THE ISLAMS ARE DEATHLY AFRAID OF BACON”.

My local mosque had pig heads thrown over their fence at the height of the Australian islamophobia about a decade ago. They put them in plastic bags and put them in the bin. No one died of “BACON FEAR”.

Sounds like something jesus would have said

People truly underestimate the power of kindness. 1. It diffuses situations pretty quick, most of the time.
2. It doesn’t ruin the rest of your day.
3. You plant a seed showing that person there is a different way.
4. People who try an illicit anger or inflame a situation are looking for control. Don’t give them your power by sinking to their level
5. If you wanna be selfish about it. It can be so much fun. They get ready to yell and scream and you hit them with that “ hey you’re right, I could have paid a bit more attention. I’m sorry about that and thanks for brining it to my attention. Have a great day” Then walk away. You the bigger person and they don’t have no power over you.

Ps. It’s also good to double check ourselves and remain accountable to self-awareness.

See that’s humanity. An offer of help and not shoving religion but an offering of guidance with care and support

I’d crack the book just out of respect for the person who gave it, good ppl are good ❤️

He has to do it, now. He’s boxed in

Donate some art by Kurt Westergaard and see how the reactions are.

Knowledge of what exactly?

“If your enemy is hungry, feed him;
if he is thirsty, give him something to drink.
In doing this, you will heap burning coals on his head.”

Looks like they’re doing a better job of adhering to the Bible than the guy who is trying to offer Bibles.

Since when is a bible considered to contain “knowledge”?

It contains fiction.

I think this is “clever” phrasing that erodes exactly what society interprets as facts which i think is problematic.

Why does this moronic militant Christians thinks that Muslims are like afraid of pork? Muslims see the pork as like how average person sees Indian street food, they think it’s unsanitary to eat, so the emotion you create on a Muslim if you offer them a pork is not anger etc.

Fake af

Religious propaganda

people calling other people “human beings” is so odd to me

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