Murdered by community notes

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She knows what she is doing. Enough of the braindead MAGA base will believe her and will never be convinced otherwise by any other source. They are already radicalized, this just feeds the fire.

It should be criminal to be this fucking unhinged.

Wow, what a surprise, Marge has no idea what she’s talking about.

“….is said to…”

By whom exactly? Voices in your head?

Who did our government bomb lately? Define lately

Not a smart start to 2025, Marge.

One of the dumbest people ever to be honest n government. Was a Qanon true believer

I love it when the Community Notes does this.

Marge talking out of her ass like usual

Fuck Large Marge

She sounds so confident with the all caps and excessive exclamation points…🤦‍♀️

When will everybody learn they do this on purpose. They put it out there & regardless of what eventually comes out this is what people on the right will believe without question.

I actually told my wife the person would be trans in their tweets. Still surprised that’s not where they went.

Native Texan murders 10 men, women, and children at New Orleans New Year’s celebration with pickup truck.

Welcome to 2025. Marjorie Traitor Greene is getting her racist panties in a bunch over some bullshit she pulled out of her ass.

He was also ex military

She wouldn’t know the truth if she had its dick in her mouth.

Of course she’s a lying piece of shit. But as long as this country votes in people like trump and his MAGA criminal thugs, there are no innocent Americans.

Who haven’t we bombed??

What a surprise the talking smegma claims an Army veteran crossed at Eagle Pass.
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i think we can all agree that the single best and good thing about twitter is the community notes

So, shut down the border between Texas and Louisiana?

She will never not be a flipping troll

Anyone ever notice she looks like that vile green ghost in the original green ghostbusters? When is this spongy, hairy growth on the ass of humanity going to be removed?

Why is it that these doofs constantly make incorrect statements?!

Has usual her spreading false information to cause violence .

Three toes and two brain cells.

Fuck you and fuck the army of murderers

I literally had a friend repeat this to me 20 minute ago, and got upset when I laughed at him over it. Then he told me he read it on CNN… … ….

Isn’t she a POI on the 1/6 incident?

Where was she last night?

Just asking questions

JFC that woman is stupid.

As funny as this is, I’m getting tired of every wordmurder being about the current political shit stew that is the Untied States.

Lying cunt trying to score cheap political points. I hate her dumb lying ass so fucking much

Dude was born and raised in Texas, served 10 years in the military, was selling real estate before becoming radicalized by the internet… try again Large Marge.

It won’t matter how often it’s stated that he’s an American citizen, resident of Texas and Veteran, these morons will still insist he’s an illegal immigrant because that’s what suits their racist ideology. Let’s face it, Rep Marj T-G is number one among the morons.

The damage done by purposely posting bad information has to be immeasurable by now. Zero negative results from her posting this. It will be forgotten in a few days. Meanwhile, the red hats will treat it as gospel.

Inciting hate on social media needs to have penalties.

Or the social media companies need to use AI or something to track and negate stuff like this.

Of course when the duly elected immigrant runs one of the biggest platforms, good luck.

I heard that’s Marge is an illegal murderer, rapist and drug trafficker who recently snuck across the border. Must be true.

Imagine how amazing it would be if the suspect turned out to be her long lost baby daddy 😂 Sorry he’s legal, large marge, go back to your hole.

MTG: but my feelings! Your facts don’t matter.

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