Murdered by Mueller, She Wrote

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He’s into phrenology now. Because of course he is.

Elon asking chatgpt and tweeting it in the hope people will think he’s smart, what an idiot

Nurse here! This is absolutely incorrect. We advocate for vaginal births as much as possible unless the mother or baby is at risk. C-sections have greater risks and the baby’s brain is the same size at time of birth whether it’s vaginal or cesarean; it doesn’t just grow larger as it comes out of the mother’s abdomen. We also advocate for vaginal births even if the mother had a previous c-section because again, we prefer vaginal births (but c-section moms are still totally valid)

I find it real confusing how anyone could endorse this dipshit

His daddy pissed him out, that’s what really happened. The miracle case of male pregnancy.

Nah, he’s an arsehole baby.

Elon really doesn’t get humans. I thought is was just the social aspect, but seems the biology is also completely lost to him.

Oh so now he’s an MD with a specialty in obstetrics.

You know, for a guy who spent so much time convincing the majority of the world that he’s smart, he’s turned out to be remarkably dumb.

/any engineer could have told you how dumb he is already

I thought it was well known and well established that in humans, brain size is not indicative of intelligence, but how “wrinkly” it is. Lol

Elon gives off vibes that he also believes that humans only use 10% of their brain.

Yeah, a “Crazy Straw”


Ok what the actual fuck. Is he just having a full blown mental breakdown at this point or what?

Ah yes, women have evolved zippers to accommodate the bigger brain C-sections

Have you seen his weird chest and upper body!?

Social media was seriously a mistake. It was supposed to be a way to keep in touch with your friends, now it’s just a place to spread whatever comes to an oligarch’s mind.

I know this man’s trolling. The birth canal helps squeeze out the baby of any unneeded fluids and coats baby in helpful bacteria. I’m saddened for the state of the world.

This could also qualify for r/confidentlyincorrect

How would that even work? Does he think the brain shrinks as the baby is pressed through the birth canal or that the mother’s body knows in advance that the baby will be born using c-section so it can create a bigger brain.

This is actually the most stupid thing Musk has ever said.

He’s a fucking doctor now too.

I’m just picturing the baby coming through the birth canal and it’s squeezing baby’s head and pushing some of the brains out like a tube of toothpaste and then the baby just gets what’s left. Then c-section babies come out with little Rihanna heads.

How do people who have had access to the best education, the best contacts and the resources to learn from the most brilliant minds on the world wind up complete idiots? It’s almost like spoon-fed billionaires take pride in their ignorance.

what the fuck
-he thinks physical brain size has a correlation to intelligence
-he thinks a brain getting pushed through the birth canal will permanently downgrade it
-he thinks if c-sections become the norm, humans will undergo Lamarckian evolution and get bigger brains

He’s literally spouting nonsense. Nothing in his tweet is remotely true.

Remember kids, book a c-section beforehand and tell the fetus so they’ll know to spend more time growing their brain.

…..what? Can Elon just shut the fuck up.

What in the eugenicist

Maye Musk musta been tight as fuck then

If intelligence would be directly linked to brain sizes, birds wouldn’t be as smart as they are.

“But Elon said!” Will be what you hear when someone brings their dumbest opinion to you.

How an absolute dingus like this can run a company is beyond me

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What is happening to science over there?

I was born c-section because I was a 10lb baby and the dr wanted to go on vacation, and Im dumb as fuck…splain that leon. We have a skull that literally accounts for this at birth but go off apartheid clyde

Finally! A proper murder, well done op.

The maga admin really likes showing off their stupidity don’t they?

We are in hell, we are officially in hell.

C-Section is NOT the way to go!!!


*Bueller had a Mueller*

LOL Genius!!

Does he genuinely not know it’s wrinkles that make you smart and not size?

The brains not play dough, it bounces back when compressed

Dipshit sums it up.

Is he wrong

I wonder if he read that in a medical journal published during Apartheid…the same medical journals that suggested that Bantu peoples’ skull shapes meant they “weren’t fully evolved” and thus exploiting them was perfectly justifiable because “they didn’t have feelings/intelligence”.

If brain size determined intelligence, we’d be bowing to our elephant overlords

Is this even real? Did he really just tweet this?

What is “heavy use of c sections”? Please Luigi please

Not enough data yet, but the data that is available, suggests that C-section births have smaller brains.

I see.

Proof Elon has no memory of ever being inside a vagina

omg. He should just shut his idiot mouth. He said that like there is some type of cause and effect! IDIOT


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