Murdered by the Laws

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Meanwhile, we’re writing a book called “Projection: The Only Thing The Right Is Good At.”

Releasing a book about being silenced? Hmmm.

He didn’t even get a slap on the wrist when he did that. In fact now it’s just assumed that Trump is allowed to profit off his office now. We’d be more shocked if he didn’t.

Besides the lack of ethics, I don’t know which is more improbable, the idea that Baby Trump is capable of writing a book on his own or that Trump is capable of reading one on his own.

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Point of order: isn’t the right always looking for new things to be triggered by and/or hate, and have a conniption fit when they can’t hate on things?

I think we’ve established rules don’t apply to crime families.

The laws that ultimately were completely toothless.  He was never even sanctioned by resolution on any of his Hatch Act violations.  Who can forget the motherfucking Resolute Beans?

It would only be a murder if Trump gave a shit about either the law or what people might think. As it is, neither will touch him.

Not sure I understand the post. He isn’t being murdered by ANY laws. He truly gets away with anything he wants.

Oh cool. Are we still pretending we’re a nation of laws?

but the president can do anything he wants and it isnt “illegal”

Genuine question: is this technically using his public office? Like he would have twitter whether he was president or not. Not defending him, just wondering about the specifics of the law

So silenced they can publish and advertise a book!

He’ll just pardon himself, it’s fine

Does it matter if no one enforces the law

They don’t care about the laws and they will suffer no consequences.

Point it out all we want.. I can assure you he does not care, nor do his supporters

Laws are only useful if someone is going to enforce them

SCOTUS counters with absolute immunity. 

I’ve seen this post several times. Has anything been done about it?

Well, I mean, the Mango Mussolini did say he loves stupid people…so maybe this is a coloring book? Or, like all illustrations, so his fellow “stupid maga” can enjoy it.

Does it also come w a “scratch and sniff” page for extra fun?

LOL ethics are optional

Laws don’t exist anymore.

Reality is Trump gives 0 shits and all the “rules” have 0 actual teeth to do anything about it.

Hahaha he’s a rapist yall they ain’t gonna do shit about this in fact they might just change the law for him

Hatch act prohibits political social media posts but our Congress does it daily

I just watched a great documentary called “The Brainwashing of my Dad” and it goes into all the media controls of how the GOP and MEGA snares their viewers.

It’s really a good watch to learn how we got to where we are, and that there is hope if only we can get these people off their phones, FOX news and to stop listening to their conspiracy theories on talk radio.

But my question is, where are examples of the left thriving on hate? I’m just not seeing it!

Wait his followers read?

LOL @ laws and ethics affecting drumpf and his family in any possible way. I can’t tell if people are really this delusional or they’ve been asleep the whole time.

I’m kidding, I can tell.

They are delusional.

He’s not the current president. I know it’s hard for you guys to understand that especially when the current office holder.

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