Murders himself.

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I remember when this tweet resurfaced back in his first term.

Who couldโ€™ve seen this coming?!

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I had a friend who I recently cut off for being a Trumper while also having some interesting views on the LGBT while knowing full well I was a part of the community. At first it hurt to stomp out a 7 year friendship.

Now I regularly see updates of who and what he boldly supports while claiming the tangerine is a business-oriented genius.

The top it all off, my friend is a veteran who lives off of disability, one of the many groups who are currently under threat by the current government.

Every news pop up I get makes me miss him a little less and less and I realize he wasn’t as smart and well-read of a guy as I thought he was.

BREAKING: Demented postsyphilitic narcissist contradicts himself!

Mental gymnastics incoming for maga. “He was joking”, “Impeach Biden”, “The dems did this to make the current dickhead look bad” etc, etc, etc

Trump is trash but there’s no proof he ever actually said this.

That’s why it keeps getting deleted. It is possible that he did the old tweet and delete but it is not in his history so its unconfirmed. Although it absolutely does sound like the kind of shit he was saying during Obamas presidency.



As an outsider looking in, how are there so many dumbasses who voted this obvious failure in? Albeit, I’m no fucking genius by any means; yet so many saw him on the balot again and actually thought “yeah, that’s a good idea!”

As soon as the idiots see that fucking your allies with outrageous tariffs, fucking your allies in support from a wrongful invasion, wanting to drop NATO (which they helped found and has been somewhat of a deterant for other countries to do some dumb shit), and the utter ignorance to hear him say and post the most abhorrent garbage, America is in for a rude awakening.

Better start learning Russian, daddy Trump might back door ya to the ruskies, too!

Surprised he hasn’t ordered the Dow to go up. Remember when he wanted to force interest rates to go down

No no no, he meant 1000, exactly 1000, more is fine

Can we skip to the bunker scene?

Someone please post on r/Conservative

Make it 20,000 points plz.

Didn’t this happen the first go around too?

If only he would.

If only there were real reporters in America to ask him about this


I pulled 3k out this morning as my duty to America and to myself. I’m just helping to show MAGA how incredibly stupid this trade war is.

Trumpers said: “We hate Bush because he’s a liar.”

So what do they do? Vote in an even BIGGER liar! These people never learn!

Does it even matter. 4 long years of this bs

I love this for you.

The Dow gets lower every time I see a new meme

Wait, can they use this as evidence to impeach him for being too unfit to lead the country? There’s so much support that shows that what he’s doing is not good for the country

This is doubly funny because he’s literally the direct cause of this.

I have to report this unfortunately, because it’s fake news. Fuck Trump.

The President should be impaled immediately

^(impeach that motherfucker NOW)

impeaching doesn’t work when you’ve rigged the game.

I think he secretly wants out. He doesnโ€™t want to do this anymore. He wants out, and he has to act strong on his way out, lol. He wants out. Itโ€™s obvious. He wants to be impeached.ย 

Lol I remember him tweeting that


What a clown. The US has become the laughingstock of the world.

So… impeach himย 

Time to check his past insult posts and count it as foreseeable future.

Self babbitting patriots are wild

I really hope someone manages to bring this up in his face in a live interview. It wouldn’t lead anywhere, I just wanna see what intrepid AI artists could do with the footage.


This sub is posting fake tweets for owns.


Apparently this is fake.

Kind of ironic for him to crash the economy on a Tuesday.


can we like crowd fund an assassination already. fuck.

I mean… he’s right… he should be impeached.

Hahaha! See what you get when you elect a mentally challenged orange turd? Hahahaha!

Thereโ€™s a million trump tweets about Obama/Biden that can be used for himself. I remember when he said Obama should be impeached for 1 swine flu death.

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