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It’s a stupid ass analogy anyway because all that doctor could really do is call 911 and get you to a hospital. It’s not like they would operate on you right there on the restaurant floor.

I mean โ€ฆ seems youโ€™d be sort of upset just because of the stroke.

Every self-proclaimed โ€œalpha maleโ€ Iโ€™ve ever known about has been an emotionally-stunted man-baby with loud opinions and a hollow soul. Hands down the most toxic and whiny specimens of fragile masculinity known to mankind.

[insert Captain Holt rant here]

In fairness, he’s at least half right – I *would* be annoyed if someone, MD or not, expected me to address them by title rather than name in an informal social setting.

I don’t think that’s quite *what* Benny was going for, though.

Maga has been confused about Doctorate degrees since Jill Biden came along.

Ben Shapiro is pretty much just an arrogant 14 year old nerd trapped in an adult manlet’s body.

I’m upset that I have to exist on the same planet as twats such as Ben Shapiro.

Dr. Evans is wrong. I would be ecstatic if I were in attendance at the dinner party where Ben strokes out and there’s only a doctor of music in the house.

not true. there is more than one ben shapiro in the world

This ur own tweet? 36 seconds, really!

Honestly if I’m at a dinner party and anyone introduces themselves as “doctor” I will probably avoid them. It’s a social gathering, why do you need to announce your degree? Is it the only interesting thing you’ve got?

If someone introduced themselves to me as “Dr. Smith” and I had a fatal musical emergency, I’d be really disappointed to find out they’re just a medial doctor

Ben being jealous at the wisdom of other people… probably he’s really very insecure. Poor Ben.

Lol .. what would Bensis do?

Is Ben Shapiro implying that if he has a stroke, it’s Dr Smith’s responsibility to do something about it just because he has a doctorate?

has the dude ever been to college? most of the professors at my mediocre state school had doctorates

In most countries you don’t need a phd to be a physician.

Wtf is he talking about?

What even is his take? That we should abolish doctorates?

Also, someone who cozies up with Jordan Peterson (not a real doctor) in PragerU (not a real university) has no right to lecture anyone about scientific degrees

Dr. Ben Shapio, PhD in TalkingOutOfAssology.

Shockingly, Ben is both historically and academically illiterate. A doctorate is the highest level of academic achievement at the college level. You have a bachelor’s, then a masters, finally a doctorate. Doctor came from the Latin meaning learned man.ย 

Medical men adopted the term doctor to earn some respect for their profession, and it stuck. Doctor is shorthand for medical practitioner now even though the doctorate has been a thing for centuries.

The MD and JD (medical and juris doctorate) respectively, are both semi akin to the masters degree level. Ben here, holds a JD degree and should know that.ย 

So what Ben is telling us is that he doesn’t understand what education is.

Who knew music could be so deadly? This composer just dropped the mic… and the beat!

daughter has PhD in clinical psych… she never uses “Dr.” outside of professional setting…On the other hand, my now ex brother in law who was a lawyer used “doctor” all the time…….JD is juris doctor…..yes, he was a jerk

This is the most polite roast Iโ€™ve ever seen, and Iโ€™m living for it.

I think the opportunity to find out what he is like in person would be quite interesting actually, in spite of his terrible choices in how to shape his public persona.

Ben having a stroke at a dinner while the rest of us have an interesting conversation with a doctor of musicology.

When the wagon arrives, the paramedics cart him away and we continue our conversation. Sounds like a wonderful evening.

this is just speaks to how ignorant people generally are on the differences between a medical doctor and a doctorate degree. and then make some anti-intellectual claim based on identity politics (which they also claim to hate) about how not every doctor is a medical doctor and can wave magical healing spells anywhere ready to go. people like this are just stupid and end up being a dumb karen

Isn’t Ben Shapiro a lawyer? In other words, a Juris Doctor.

Idkw they allow it to be called DR other than that music is known to be healing, and as a DR can be destructive, so can their music

I would imagine being at a dinner party with Shapiro would be like being at a dinner table with a badly behaved , over tired toddler that doesnโ€™t shut up about Spider-Man , picking at your food just to tell you it tastes icky and causing toilet dramas.

NGL, I never go to dinner parties for fear of people suffering strokes at the table.

I mean, at one time, it was fine. Never happened. Then one day, suddenly, out of nowhere, for no apparent reason, people were suffering strokes at dinner parties all the time.
You couldnโ€™t go anywhere without it happening.

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