Musk discovers constitution and furious about it

By kfelovi
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That is exactly the type of checks and balances the three branches of government were designed for. Like, word for word, out of an eighth grade social studies book. What the fuck is this shit, how is this butthole in charge of so much.

Elmo doesn’t understand the difference between the US Presidency and Dictator.

Gawd i remember that summer where I tried to fundamentally change every single aspect of the United States government simultaneously and realized that I couldn’t do shit cause I WASNT FUCKING ELECTED.

Is there a single financial analyst or accountant in the doge? How are people finding “waste” if they can’t read a balance sheet?

Elon is quite literally the manifestation of the reason why we have a natural-born citizen qualification for Presidents. His understanding of the Constitution is less than high school-level because he wasn’t raised with it. He’s just some corrupt foreign asshole looking to get even richer off of us. The frustrating thing is tens of millions of fucking mouthbreathers are just letting him do it because he speaks and acts like a fool to “own the libs” or whatever the fuck… This timeline is about the opposite of ideal.

Someone make a meme of the Founding Fathers laughing like the decaprio meme from Django, or something similar.. please. 🤣😭

Turns out they can only stop the illegal ones.

Maybe Trump should stop committing crimes.

Paid somebody else to take the citizenship test.

Apparently he wanted a dictatorship and is making REALLY REALLY clear as the time goes by.

He’s literally defining dictatorship, the opposite of democracy. Insanity.

Funny rich guy learning it’s a ‘Constitutional Democracy’ and a ‘Federal Republic’

What a fucking dumb tweet

He’s right, it’s not a democracy. It’s a constitutional federal republic, can he fuck off now?

Elon paid someone to take his citizenship test just like he pays people to play his video game characters.

It’s not just him: a lot of people on the right, including some of the leadership, are pushing the talking point that “the courts shouldnt be allowed to tell elected officials what to do.”

*At minimum* they are undermining confidence in govt. and institutions, particularly the concept of checks and balances. It looks an awful lot like a power grab though.

It also makes me think a lot of the population (aka maga) slept through government/history class


Surprise! You can’t break the law.

Some sort of group or federation of individual providence that agreed to a certain set of rules…… huh, weird.

WTF is he even saying? Law and order is not helpful for democracy? Or he is just pissed because he can’t do what he wants?

You otherwise have a monarchy…no thanks…

Dems accepted it it when it fucked over Bidens plans. Enjoy getting your plans fucked over, nazis.

Can we somehow mute Elon on X? 😂

MAGA is post-constitution authoritarians wearing conservative clothing.

They will cheer on the tear down of the constitution.

What does it take to get this guy out? I just don’t get it. Why does he seem to get away with everything? ( I know money .. but come on!)

“Drug addicted immigrant with Nazi heritage hates the U.S. Constitution and vows to destroy it”

I mean, really, how the hell do all these news organizations have so much trouble writing headlines?

Biden to Elmo: “First time?”

Maybe he’d have a better understanding of it if he wasn’t an illegal alien.

Democracy is when whoever can afford the most votes is allowed to do whatever they want.

*Apartheid 2 coming soon to US territory near you*

Kick that apartheid shithead out of this country. We’ll send him to Egypt while we just take SpaceX, X, Tesla, and the Boring company, and confiscate his billions. He’ll just give it to us. It’ll just be ours. And he’ll be very happy there. (This is about Gaza if you didn’t get it).
The courts can’t stop every action, just the ones that violate the constitution. Also, dies Elon realize presidential immunity does not apply to him, so he’s on the hook for all this stuff he’s doing. Trump’s bought and paid for Supreme Court said he’s untouchable, but not Vance, Any of the terribly unqualified appointees, and certainly not Musk.

The president can smell his own crap in the bathroom. No judge can order otherwise. Therefore, no judge anywhere can stop EVERY Presidential action.

That actually means we do live in a democracy. Because it’s not rule of one.

Somebody educate me on what will happen when the Trump/Republican administration ignores these judges?

If he was actually American he would have learned this in middle school.

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