Musk just went in and stole NY FEMA funds from their bank account

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State charges??? ๐Ÿคž

Can’t wait to see the spin when one of these unvetted twitter stooges defects to China with a few billion in our tax money.

So, the executive branch has given an unelected billionaire the ability unilaterally cut legislatively approved federal funding to whoever he wants. All while Congress has given its power completely to the president, who is just ignoring court orders. We have no checks and balances within our federal institutions.

Holy crap.

If they don’t file a lawsuit, then nothing happened.

โ€œRead only accessโ€.


I’m sure Mayor Adams is on the case

If a Democrat did this to a red state it would start a civil war.

And on the day they are moving to drop charges against the mayor too

If anyone expresses the slightest uncertainty that this is an ongoing heist, point them to this latest outrage.

Holy shit. When are we going to DO SOMETHING????

This will trigger a banking crisis. If people feel their money isnโ€™t safe in a bank, many will seek accounts the govโ€™t canโ€™t touch.

Hmmm โ€ฆ but it got your mayor off the hook, is my guess.

Watch as we hear absolutely nothing from the mayor.

What is this a screenshot of? Is there some kind of primary source you can share that gives more info here?


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