Musk picture on Tesla

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Wait, I honestly thought someone put a sticker on their dish washer….

I mean, if this is a cybertruck, Musk was already openly white supremacist by the time it came out…

Um. That’s a refrigerator.

Some random Tesla? Sure.

You bought a cyber truck. You were all about it.

No. Fucking no. The release of the Cybertruck (even the start of the pre-order phase) was well after the world knew he was a shitheel. I could forgive the other models, but not the Cybertruck.

Came for the Musk, stayed for the Frigidaire

If you got a cyber truck you deserve when I throw lynseed oil at your social statement

Nope. Elon was a psycho before the cyber truck came out. His first (public) chud behavior was waaaay back when he called those cave divers pedophiles for no reason. Sure, he was a generic billionaire businessman for a long time, but if you go back and search far enough, he was always a fucking moron.

But I won’t ever slight a Tesla car owner for wanting to own a Tesla for the right reasons (environmental, economical, tech-forward), but a cyber truck owner knows exactly what they bought and from whom.

I’m not gonna damage anyone’s property, but these stickers are not a pass for me. Folks took waaaaaay too long to realise what a PoS muskrat is. He showed us exactly who he was during the Thai soccer kids in a cave incident.

Was the AI prompt “Elmo dressed up as Queen Elizabeth”?


Same energy. And outfit

Someone should share this one on X (twitter) because a pic like this actually and legitimately upset Elon Musk a lot. Musk doesn’t like to be depicted as feminine or in pink style like this as he stated from time to time that it feels like an insult to him.

The Frigidaire sticker is (chefs kiss)

I didn’t even notice it was a dishwasher until I got to the comments.

If you drive a cybertruck, the jokes on you, not Musk. No excuses! lol

I am confused. I thought Musk is the president?

That doesn’t excuse the purchase

If you bought a cybertruck, you’re a dufus. I’m going to assume anything you agree with me about, you agree for the wrong reasons.

He was dickhead even before this thing was released…

Some people probably voted for Trump and now pasting fake stickers in fear of getting vandalized lmao.

First Baby Musk

Only 1,411 days left of Trumps presidency! Keep it up guys. Gonna have a tissue shortage after all these leftist tears.

These stickers don’t really hold any weight on a Cybertruck.

We had Jackie O,now we have Elon Oh-No

I never understood why anyone ever supported Musk. He was always totally out of control.

I almost thought this was Professor Umbridge

lmaoooooooooo where do I get a sticker like this?

So true, where is Melania?

I want one for my model s. Love my car, I’m sad he is destroying the company.
Where can I get that?

I can see how you would mix up a Frigidaire and a Tesla.

Elon was a piece of shit before these things were ever available to the public or he was anywhere near the presidency, you’re still a douchebag if you own a Cybertruck

Dear god…the iron lady!

Mike Myers OWNS him and I hope he keeps playing him on SNL. He’s like a cross between Dieter and Garth on speed.

No…no…no, you don’t get to play this game if you bought a fucking cybertruck

Are we certain about who’s top or bottom in that relationship? I’m just saying I’d hate to presume is all…..

This is by far the best one lmao

That’s not a valid statement on the toy truck. He was well known to be a psychotic piece of shit by the time those were being delivered.

So misogyny?

So it’s ok to make fun of women when it is political? Why would being the first lady be an insult unless you put women down

That’s homophobic and transphobic

Why does a “truck” say Frigidaire? Did you put this sticker on a fridge to pretend it is a Cybertruck?

You bought a misogynistic sticker to make excuses for why you bought a car from a known misogynist? Interesting

Don’t fall for this fake attempt to save their racist supporting ass.

They absolutely knew what the asshole fElon was doing all along and still bought it.

Love how he’s trying so hard in this pic to walk in his daughter’s footsteps.

He’s a fucking joke needs kicking out of America.

Lol nice

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