Musk suddenly realizes what we all already knew: he has no clue how to govern

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As I said in another thread, he’s a sociopathic opportunist and he is NOT intelligent.

If he were he would have spent countless hours or days understanding the second and third order effects of a government shutdown AT CHRISTMAS.

He’s a fucking moron.

IT IS NOT A COMPANY. It is not meant to be run like a company. It is not intended to be profitable. It is not supposed to be profitable.

It is a service. The government is a service. The government is supposed to serve the people. Public Servants.

Of course this dumbfuck does not understand how to govern.

Throw a wrench in the thing so it doesn’t work, shriek about how see!  it doesn’t work like I was saying! and blame the Dems?

It’s the same way the entire Republican Party “governs”.

Serious question: can anyone remember the last time they met a republican who wasnt a completely disingenuous coward who would just parrot whatever the republican party told them to say whether it made sense or not? Been 10+ years for me honestly.

edit: guys if you wanna keep “gotcha”’ing me with john mccain, are you not realizing that youre basically admitting its been six years since any republican was anything other than trash? Lol.

Publicly tell Republicans not to pass anything until Trump takes office under threat of being primaried, blame Democrats for not passing anything. Does this dumbass not know Tweets are public?

Canceling Christmas, to own the libs, who have declared the real war on Christmas.

Human shitstain, we are in for a ride.

Deport him, his kids, the baby mamas and his nasty mother. South Africa, here they come!

Folks, I want you all to truly understand what’s going on. I’ll break it down in Fortnite terms:

What Musk is doing is the equivalent of a gamer paying an online cheating service to win all the loot, chests, and gear without having to actually play the game.

This is oligarchy on steroids.

The man just fucking sucks all around. Source:me

No link to the article?

Eat the rich

God, he looks like a fat Mr Burns in that photo. Look at that hump.

Makes for the perfect Republican

Leopards be getting fat on faces this year

Of course he did. I am proud that 38 republicans said enough! And voted no on Musk’s bullshit! He wants the US to go into default and he wants to get rid of the FDIC – isn’t that horrible enough for Americans to say NO ?

I think he’s just read the GOP playbook – fuck something up, then blame the other team.

What is going to happen to the brains of all of our very stupid friends when this inevitable break up happens and they need to reconcile their Trump idolatry with their Elon idolatry?

Will they explode? Probably not. Like any good idiot they will simply forget.

Curious who gets Joe Rogan in the divorce though.

The worst 4 years in American history are about to unfold. It’s going to be a disaster that will take generations to recover from.

Blame everyone but yourselves is the MAGA motto as it couldn’t be their own incompetence that is at fault.

He has said in interviews before that a government is like a company. I don’t believe this is true.

Betting that realization will, in no way shape or form, cause him to re-evaluate anything.

Stupid is as stupid does

Like 80% of Congress

F him and his Hitler momma

How does he always manage look like a cartoon villain?

He really is out there isn’t he

Morons running the “free” world lmao 😂

Once he is made King of America things will be okay… He will usher in a utopian age of wonder and prosperity and will eventually become our own immortal God emperor… Truly exciting times!!!

Love more, hate less.

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Definitely the Democrats’ fault, and not the world’s richest man, who bought himself a U.S. president and now uses his control over one of the world’s largest social media networks to push his opinions.

look like he understand how republican politic work perfectly shit the bed and blame the other side

Wait. The check they sent to spacex is not going to clear for 45 days. Not fair.

Don’t worry Trump will fix all of this. Right after he gets Mexico to pay for the wall, ends the war in Ukraine (24 hours or less) and eliminates taxes on tips, overtime, Social Security.


Elon suddenly realizing that there isn’t an HR team solely dedicated to protecting government operations from his stupidity like there are at all of his companies.

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