Musk’s Civics Blunder

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It’s almost like you need to pass a citizenship test or something…


lol @ “judicial coup” for…checks notes…judges doing their jobs.

Shit, if you support an illegal coup, seize power, and install a dictator, at least have a basic understanding of the processes you are trying to dismantle.

Yo…Elon, you fuck…they’re STOPPING a coup

Musks greatest con was convincing people of his Genius.

What!? Musk isn’t a scholar of anything? Could’ve fooled me…..

Blows my mind he still frames this as a coup when it’s literally the point of the constitution to have a system that checks each other when they’re breaking the law.

Like Trump, Musk knows nothing about civics or government He’s out of his league.

Oh yeah- he’s an immigrant – probably doesn’t know anything about the working if our government. Hmmm maybe he isn’t the best one to be deciding what works and doesn’t work!

AOC was right when she said he’s one of the most unintelligent billionaires she’s ever met.

What an idiot.

But lots of people have trouble with fractions.

Very few physicists, mathematicians, or engineers, but lots of people.

He doesnt understand government. He understands misinformation

rules of the people 🤷‍♂️

And the base runs with it…..🙄

Give him a break. He’s not an American.

That’s a joke folks.

He has absolutely no idea how the government works apart from Government Contracts and under the table kickbacks

Is he sharing an account with Karoline Leavitt? Both are clueless about economics, law and basic constitution procedures. I heard Canada doesn’t want Elon back, so it’s either South Africa or he stays put in the US.

The nerd who is bad at math.

Remind me please…

Where was Musk & co’s outrage when a single unelected radical judge attempted a judicial coup putting democracy in danger when he ordered President Biden’s student loan forgiveness to be stopped???

If blocking Trump is destroying the country, then surely blocking Biden was destroying the country as well?!? No?

It’s also not a judicial coup, it’s checks and balances. The system is working perfectly as designed except for the part where Elon, a foreign immigrant, rigged our election.

Probably don’t teach American civics in the South African schools where Musk allegedly attended.

Give him a break. He’s not American, why would he know how the government is supposed to work?/s

I just can’t wrap my head around the fact that people think this guy, that’s not an American, knows what’s best for our country. I hate to sound nativist but I mean…WTF

Why is Musky Apartheid Boy so involved in American politics?

After Schumer’s fumble with the Budget CR I have no faith he’d do anything to stop the vote to convict the judges.

Another display of how incompetent that man is. Scary he gets to make decisions that impact the whole american people 😨

Still don’t understand how people called this turd a “genius” for so long

Lol, that basic bitch elon doesn’t know anything. Yet, he’s still has all that power. This sucks!

He hired someone to play videogames in his name for the image boost. Why didn’t he hire someone to do his math? Or to jump? Or to raise his arms on stage?

Tell me again what a genius he is? SMH. Fool.

Even if 60 is right, there are 53 Republican senators, good luck finding 7 dems who would impeach judges going against Trump.

But Musk correctly stated that he’s involved in a judicial coup.

Just keep my “the people ” out yo’ damn mouth!!

Also, it’s not the judges, it’s THE FUCKING LAWS YOU MORONS ARE BREAKING

It’s almost like he’s not American.

Billionaires in charge, what could possibly go wrong.

The audacity of Alex Cole thinking he can talk to a sitting president like that!! What is this world coming to?!?

Elon, while executing an administrative coup: “this is a judicial coup!”


lol people were fanboying this guy. Prime example of why celebrities shouldn’t be held in such high regards.

f off muskrat

Elon loves the fact that people think he knows what he’s talking about. He often does not.

He’s FOS – there are 3 co-equal branches of govt for a reason

This is not the “rule of the people” this is the rule of the wealthy oligarchs.

I would expect nothing less from a low IQ African immigrant. /s

To be fair, he is a south African, not an American 

Check with statesman Schumer. He might be more than more than happy to arrange the required votes.

Smartest man in the world.

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