Musk’s Privatization Plan

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So, the U.S. Post Office is actually provided for in the Constitution. Musk going after that in a sane way entails a Constitutional Convention, because he doesn’t have the Congressional votes.

I foresee legal drama. Also, keep protesting. Loudly and preferably disruptively.

Elon, please write down five things youโ€™ve done for each company you are CEO of for the past week.

Thank you.


Get fucked

They want to rig the next election even more than they already did. Oh sorry youโ€™re registered as democrat? Yeah for some reason your mail in ballot got lost. We need a plumber to fix this problem asap.

It cost us Pennies right now to send mail. Privatizing it will blow up the prices and private companies will charge an arm and a leg to deliver to rural areas. But at least we got rid of trans people in the military so itโ€™s all worth it! /s

“Sorry your bills all arrived after they were due. To ensure you get your mail under the standard 60 day window, consider subscribing to Postal+ today!”

***”Unelected*** u/-Horror suggest grinding billionaires into protein powder.”

Hyperloop Boy could hardly figure out how to use his own teslas in his own tunnel to act as parking lot shuttles. Maybe he should stick to ignoring his children.

“Thank you for using the Microsoft Postal Service (formerly USPS)! While the Base Subscription of $15.00/mo allows you to receive low priority mail with advertisements, we now have a $33.00/mo premium subscription that allows you to receive high priority mail such as banking, legal, and government correspondence. Our platinum subscription at $45.00 a month has the same level of service without advertisements!”

In the UK we privatised our postal service a few years ago. A first class stamp is now triple the price and itโ€™s anyoneโ€™s guess as to whether the letter will show up at all.

Those are not business out to make profits, they are services that improve the society we live in. It allows people in remote locations to still get medication sent to them etc. Amtrak needs more funding imo and should be cheaper for riders.

the only way Americans will understand if what they take for granted is taken away. Elon is doing the Lord’s work educating the masses!

yeah… good luck y’all.

โ€œFascism should more appropriately be called Corporatism because it is a merger of state and corporate power.โ€

– Mussolini

For the record his supporters wonโ€™t even think itโ€™s bad after those things happen. Even if people they know become the slaves.

This has been an argument the far-right has pushed for a long time now. Every year I hear some right-wing politician talk about wanting to “privatize the Post Office” and yet fail to realize that it will never happen.

Pretty sure they tried to privatize amtrak at some point, and it failed spectacularly.

Donโ€™t do it US!! Privatisation ruined the UKs rail and post services, donโ€™t even get me started on the privatisation of any other public infrastructureโ€ฆ itโ€™s a trap!

Look, the postal service needs a good look see and overhaul. Having worked there for a spell, it is a dinosaur, in need of extinction. But it NEVER should be privatized or for profit. But itโ€™s long over due for renovating.

These 2 Hapsburg wannabes wipe their asses with the constitution on a daily basis. The American-Muskovite Empire… and we’re living in it.

First, letโ€™s privatize the interstate highway system. Itโ€™s been propped up by taxes for too long and should stand on its own legs by now ๐Ÿ˜‚

And theyโ€™ll blame the democrats

Mailing a letter will cost $50

Going after mail in votes?

Can we all agree to return musk? I heard Amazon accepts all returns

Post office is a government pension job as well so boom a whole massive spike of people with out a retirement

This just in: Musk commits to what Republicans have been working towards for several decades

Anyone who actually supports this, please just donโ€™t.

the USPS is the only thing keeping Fedex and UPS from tripling their rates

Gonna be pretty hard for companies and the govt to send certified/registered mail, for legal cases and whatnot, when citizens can simply choose to get rid of their mailbox.

Look at germanys DB to see what privatisation does to a railway.

I just wish someone would do it already

Back in the day right wingers used to like trains. Just look at Ayn Rand, and Hitler. Our rightoids are so much more lame.

โ€œWhy does my birthday card to meemaw in Spitfuck, Kansas cost $25?โ€

The Postal Service is literally written into the Constitution. Musk can’t just decide to mess with it without getting constitutional-level changes approved, and he definitely doesn’t have the votes in Congress to pull that off.

This is headed straight for the courts. Keep the protests going the louder and more disruptive, the better chance of being effective.

He wants that retirement fund that covers the next 50 years of employees and to take away mail in ballots.

wondering when US will โ€œeatโ€ the rich? anytime guysโ€ฆ. โฑ๏ธโฑ๏ธโฑ๏ธ๐Ÿ’ฅ


Privatization is how you destroy democracy by creating new oligarchs who yearn to be real kings instead of just extremely rich guys who still have to live under the laws of a democracy.

Even if they control those laws, it’s not enough for them, just the idea that anyone technically has authority over them eats at them and they inevitably turn their power over vital state infrastructure to destroy that state.

Who would buy Amtrack.

Republicans have been trying to privatize the USPS and Education System in the USA since the 90’s.

It was inevitably going to happen.

NO. WE CAN’T LET THAT MOFO TOUCH MY PRECIOUS AMTRAK. It’s already struggling, imagine if that incompetent water logged looking son of a bitch gets ahold of it.

But it loses money!!!!!!

The post office is secured in the constitution. The constitution is a group of laws designed to operate a government smoothly. This means the post office, like the military, is an intrinsic function of government and cannot be “signed away” by a bloated mobster.


Criminals don’t give a fuck about laws, and herein lay the confusion… trump and his gang don’t give a flying fuck about laws when they’re in charge of breaking them.

And if you control the mail, you control the mail in votes.

Please look at the Royal Mail in the UK if you want to know what happens to a state mail service when its privatised.

Its gone down the pan. Delivery times are down, they want to reduce deliveries to 5 days a week, they cannot retain staff, so you could get a different postman every day.

I suggest Elon Musk suck my nuts

I’m about as qualified as he is so my suggestion has equal merit

They wonโ€™t deliver your ballots in time

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