Muslim schoolgirl admits lying that her teacher was Islamophobic

By deeptut
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Nothing like beheading someone because you hear 2nd-hand they said you’re violent.

“oh damnnnn why was he in n the middle east to begin with when it’s so dangerous?”

**……Was decapitated outside a school in Paris**


This guy doesn’t like Muslims?? He says we’re too violent?! Cut his head off!!

Dumb people believing dumb things and behaving even dumber.

This world needs to change

Wtf. Just wtf

This teacher (Samuel Paty) lived in the town next to mine. From all accounts, he seemed like a great man who would under no circumstance deserve what happened to him.

The day after his death, I was scrolling Reddit while eating at a restaurant with my family and had the displeasure of seeing a picture of his decapitated head for a split second.

Turns out, multiple Redditors thought that his death and the shocking picture of his head were a great opportunity to farm karma.

To these people, **fuck you**.

Islam is fucking different. And should not be respected.

When I see stuff like this in my feed it usually means things are about to heat up in the middle east

What an absolutely horrible way to die.

How did it even get to the point of them getting him and beheading

We don’t have to live like this

Most peaceful religion:

Ah yes.. the religion of peace strikes again!

And Muslims wonder why they are so hated.

Muslims: we are a religion of peace


The young girl was suspended for truancy so she lied & told her highly reactive father it was because of a secular discussion the day before where Muslim students had to identify..

A discussion which included a cartoon parody of a prophet, which students could choose to opt out of. No student had to self identify.

The FATHER dog whistled this on a platform he had BEEN cultivating on social media, especially upset about the cartoon parody. AN absolute NUT JOB.. decided he needed to become important both ruining his life at AGE 18 and taking the life of educator Samual Paty.

The lack of education in critical thinking skills create these self important Thralls..

So glad I left Islam!

I bet he’s Islamophobic now

That’s horrible….

I find it odd when certain people swear up and down that the Christians in this country are out of control, oppressing people, and extremly close minded. The usually will praise a country governened by Islamic fundamentalists or a group made up of Muslim extremists.
I gurantee a lot of those people believed the accusations from the child immediately, and then used it as an example to be able to point fingers and insult anybody who isn’t Muslim and mention how the west so so islamophobic and racist.

Religion of peace

Religion of peace.

the person who killed him was also killed!! finally, something is trying to balance the chaos that Islam brings. Fuck islam, yall need to unalive.

Islamophobia. A word invented by bullies to manipulate idiots.

Here comes the ‘all religions’ nonsense.

When someone murders another human over a drawing, you know what the religion is.

Import the third world, deal with third world become the third world. Whats next, women being harassed for showing a little hair? Oh wait thats already happening.

Good job destroying your country

If there were justice in this world, there’d be capital punishment on the table for the student.

I remember the photo was posted everywhere too. Wish I hadn’t seen that.

It kind of makes me think we should stop listening to kids

I remember when it happened. There has finally been a conviction for this horrible crime. Everyone must be held accountable.

The religion of peace strikes again

Hope she receives the same fate one day

When i worked in a Saudi Arabian school, teachers were posted in pupil toilets to stop older boys raping younger boys. It was such an issue that the cubicle doors were removed. Yet the Saudi authorities behead homosexuals.

Weird, the same religion doing archaic shit.

What a beautiful religion of peace.


Unfortunately this is what happens when you import the third world

Here before it gets deleted again

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