My 5 years old daughter got me an amazing gift, I’m divorced so this meant my everything to know my little angel thinks of me, she lives with her mother

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You know your ex enabled this. Please ensure you reciprocate by helping your little one make a similar effort for her mother, of this won’t happen again.

That’s mom doing her part as a parent. Don’t forget to do the same. It’ll for sure reinforce the fact that you both love your daughter and she’ll never feel torn between the two of you. (Edit for spelling)

Thats good parenting. Kudos to mom.

Sounds like your ex does not demonize you to her. Now that’s special too.

OP please listen to the comments. Your ex made this happen, even if your kid said ‘I’d love to get Dad something for Valentines’. She made sure it was a nice gift and paid for it.

At the very least she’s trying to make sure things are amicable for the sake of your kid. I wouldn’t be too quick to dismiss the olive branch

“You guys look what Santa brought me. He’s so cool and knew exactly what I wanted. Love that guy!”

Reading the comments, congrats this made you smile, but this was 100% MOM and YOU need to do the same. And I don’t think you are considering this. RECIPROCITY is a good thing to teach. SHOWUP accordingly.

Your child did not go to the store alone or use their money🙄Thank your child’s mother and do something sweet for her as well.

Wow, your ex really went above and beyond to make sure that your daughter has a nice gift for you on Valentines Day.

So what did “she” get her mom? 🦗🦗🦗

A sign of healthy coparenting. Kudos to you and her mom! She will grow up much more secure by having parents who respect each other’s place in her heart.

Your ex did this – kudos to her.

OP can’t be this stupid.

does he think his 5 year old daughter got a job, drove to the store, bought chocolates and a rose, packed them up nicely all for dad?

*thank your ex, op*

This is so sweet and makes me smile. What doesn’t make me smile is the fact you’re being dense and not giving your ex the credit she deserves in encouraging and getting this for your daughter. Please treat her back with this same kindness and do something like this back for her. You should both be encouraging your daughter to treat each other with love and respect so she can see what healthy ex relationships and love can look like. The fact you’re passing it off as only the kid doing this is and not giving your ex the credit/respect she deserves is really disheartening.

PS reciprocating her kindness could lead to this being a cute tradition between all of you until your daughter is old enough to have the money and do this on her own one day.

Kudos to her mama!

Dude all your responses make you sound like a jackass. Your ex facilitated making this happen—that means she made it happen sweetheart. Five year olds don’t go to the store and pick out grown up valentines for their parents. Moron, appreciate your co parent and reciprocate.

Lmao op you are seriously so oblivious

You’re already being told the real answer here, so I won’t beat a dead horse, but if you want to keep this special girl in your life, you need to do everything you can to show her that you love her back. This includes being civil to Mom.

Get them a set of presents back, and be sure to tell your daughter that she will always be your #1 Valentine.

The child’s mother is the one that made this possible. You know that in your heart, unless you’ve never spent time around a five year old. A five year old doesn’t drive herself to the store and spend money on a card and roses which are expensive especially around Valentine’s Day and then deliver it to you. Your ex orchestrated all of that. I hope your ex also gets something “from her daughter” to show that she cares.

I hope you’re doing the same for her Mother.

Yikes dude. I see why you’re divorced and why she got full custody of the kid. I wouldn’t let someone so dense parent a child either.

The universe is talking to you right now. Don’t ignore Reddit. Use this opportunity to restore balance & heal your perspective. Make this about your little girl & return the favor for “mom”. They both will take notice whether you realize it or not. Think about how you got here…. how this sweet gesture made YOU feel

Oh this was your ex for sure. Awesome coparenting <3 As others stated make sure you return the gesture.

Hey, so, fellow divorced person here and my kids still get gifts for their dad. Just an FYI, it’s never their idea (or their money) but they are happy to go along with it. I take them to the store and let them pick things out, nudging them in the direction of things I know he’ll actually like. (We were married for 12 years, I know him really well.) This gift is your ex trying to have an amicable relationship with you (not romantic, just healthy) and encouraging a stronger bond not just between you and your daughter but for all of you as a family. Divorced or not, you will always be family. For your daughters sake, please acknowledge that this was not entirely your daughter and reciprocate.

Your 5 year old is super talented! Make sure you get her to Harvard or something.

The fact that she can write this well, cut paper and wrap bows so perfectly on her own is impressive!

There’s no way your ex wife could have helped with this, or paid for it, it’s obvious that this was thought of and handmade by a toddler.

When I was 5 I used to pay for my flights to see my dad, his ex wife never helped, I had to pull myself up from my boot straps.

It seems exactly what your daughter is doing. Congrats! I hope she does the same for your ex wife, you know, for her sake and all that.

Give her mom some props for making that happen. Seriously. Tell her thank you. The best gift you can give your daughter is co-parents who not only acknowledge the other parent, but do nice things that let the child know loving both parents is 100% okay. Step up for Mother’s Day.

Your daughter is precious, but without your ex, you would not have that. So you are very lucky. In more than one way.

(and you deserve this)

Did you help her pick out something for mom in return?

Sounds like your ex still cares.

Your 5 year old will grow up to understand the kind of person you are. Idk if you’re being obtuse or you’re that disconnected that you don’t even know a 5 year old isn’t capable of this.

It seems like you still have a good relationship with your ex, but if you haven’t done so i would make sure you acknowledge this gesture to your ex wife. Doesn’t have to be big, just a message saying thanks for doing this and that it’s appreciated will already go a long way.

Now make sure you don’t forget Mother’s Day 😊

Y’all need to stop giving this guy props. He’s incredibly dense.

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