My bf’s allergy test. Tested for 72 things, allergic to 70.

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My daughter’s allergy panel looked like that, she wasn’t allergic to a single thing, she has a histamine problem where her body overproduces in response to irritation

Testing that many things at once makes for a lot of false positives. Chances are he’s not even allergic to half

I think your boyfriend is allergic to getting poked with needles.

They did it on his arms!? When I had allergy testing done, it was 80 pricks on my back. I’m surprised they’d do it on his arms, that seems way more uncomfortable!

Probably allergic to the lancets they used

lol I thought he was showing he’s tattoos …. I was going to say ” that’s a weird artistic choice” lol

Too many samples. Unfortunately these results are skewed and useless.

He’s allergic to being stabbed evidently

I thought this was r/shittytattoos

These tests are notoriously inaccurate, like 50% false positives. I can’t believe we still use them.

Also: reactions like this are almost always the result of an allergy to the testing media itself.

And now of course, they’ll want him to come in for expensive weekly allergy shots.

If the shots have worked for some folks – great – but no one I’ve ever known that went through them got any relief.

Similar thing happened to my husband. Doctor told him he was allergic to just about everything. A few years later took the original test results to a different doctor. He looked at the paperwork and was shocked; according to it, my husband also reacted to the control sample… Which meant all the results were bogus. Either the original doctor didn’t actually know how to read the results, didn’t know how to correctly administer the test and had contaminated the control, or didn’t bother to read the results. Turns out he has zero allergies.

Mine was similar. The doc said “congratulations, you’re allergic to the outdoors.”

My cousin had one of these type of prick test matrix tests on his back for allergen sensitivities. Growing up we always joked ‘He’s allergic to air’. Like your boyfriend, my cousin’s test showed positive sensitivities for most allergens. I’m so glad I only have one sensitivity that I know about, to mango. It must suck having your body reject so many things.

looks like a cool album cover

This looks like a punk rock album cover

Me when I look at a dust particle wrong

This form of testing is insanely outdated. We’ve been able to draw one vial of blood and get results on more allergens without false positives for 35 years. Find a new allergist.

Are all of these outdoor allergens? My son had a similar reaction years ago, being allergic to literally everything, even fresh fruits and vegetables.
The common denominator was pollen. Doing pollen shots for 4 years now, he is no longer allergic to all of those things.

Same results for me when I was 10 years old. Five years of shots sucked but as an adult it’s much better and so worth it.

Bubble boy

Dude’s arms look like elevator buttons.

70/72. 97 points. A+. Great job

“What are your allergies?”

I think he’s allergic to getting poked in the arms 72 times

Those are some effed up tattoos. Any meaning?

That’s how I look when I go on holiday to a country with lots of mozzies.

Bros playing live on max difficulty

Is he allergic to needles??

My daughter had a poke test that looked like this but even the saline one did because she has really sensitive skin that doesn’t like to be stabbed. Maybe there’s hope.

I hated that test. I layed on the table for hours when I was 8 or 10. Had my gameboy advance sp though lol

I had the same sadly.. i am dying right now

My sister had a patch test on her back and had very similar results. Some of them, like nickel, left marks for weeks after they took the patch’s off.

bubble boy.

Looks like he’s allergic to histamine.

How did his bloodline even make it this far 😭😭😭

Turns out, he was just allergic to sharpie ..

Well what were the 2 things he was not allergic to? Air and water?

Welcome to the club! I was allergic to 71 out of 72 with the one thing my body apparently tolerates being cockroaches. So I got that going for me, which is nice.

Sure it’s not dermographism urticaria?

Looks like Killmonger haha


What are those 2 things? Usually I keep asking if people are allergic to something, now I have ability to ask the opposite 😀

That’s a lot of kills, Mr monger.

For a second there, I thought he tested for 70 and got 72 lmao.

Tell him to man up!


That must be tough

If he’s not allergic to you, I would consider this a big win ! (It’s meant as a sweet message)

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