My boyfriend is a teacher and just sent me this…

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I went to a pub on the coast once. They had Buffalo Oysters as an appetizer. Waiter didn’t understand me asking if they were oysters in buffalo sauce or Rocky Mountain oysters from a bison.

holy shit. i expected him to say 2nd grade or at least elementary school…

as someone who was in 8th grade ~4 years ago… wow. this is genuinely an r/KidsAreFuckingStupid moment


So Jessica Simpson of them

scroll through r/Teachers some time… it’s scary how frequently people post things like this

I’m not as shocked at this as most. After having a butcher name off all the cuts of various animals, I could absolutely believe they named one “wings” for some random reason. I remember in high school when I learned that “tenders” was the proper name of part of the chicken.

I’m going to ask my 8th grade, at my own private school, if they know where buffalo wings come from. I’ll report back.

no one but me remembers this, but in 2004 jessica simpson (a human adult) asked on television “is this chicken or is this fish?” about canned tuna because she was confused by the “chicken of the sea” brand name

this reminds me of that

It’s the “I had to sit down” for me 💀

Well then what the fuck is Redbull?

To be honest when i was 12 and had buffalo wings for the first time at buffalo wild wings my mind was blown on how these big 2 thousand pound monsters were capable of having these delicious wings that everyone was raving about

Wait till they find out chickens don’t have fingers.

All those poor little angel-buffaloes whose wings they ate. Had those teenagers no shame?

Hopefully he taught them the capitalize Buffalo since it’s a proper noun.

Buffalo is already plural. The singular form would be buffalus or buffalum depending on the sex. /s

Definitely a Science teacher and not an English teacher . lol

I mean, I completely realize how they could’ve made this mistake 😭. If chickens have wings and there are chicken wings, then when you hear the word “wings” with another animal’s name your brain will automatically assume it’s also a correct name and not a misnomer.

10th grade biology had to explain TCT no condoms do NOT grow on rubber trees 😳🤣

Can you blame them? The name has an animal in it. Naming food after a completely unrelated animal should be illegal.

Not ‘merican. What’s 8th grade? 13 year olds?

They shouldn’t feel bad. Jessica Simpson didn’t find out until she was a like 30 and on reality TV. So.. they’re ahead of the game..

Look, I once convinced a Taiwanese graduate student that Grape Nuts were from actual grapes and you could plant them. Dude straight out some in some dirt in a cup. When they didn’t grow I told him about Brawndo. He’s a full professor now.

Wait. Wut? No wings?!? No way.

Sadly not surprised. I worked for many years in K-12 education — I cannot tell you the number of times that science teachers from the American south told me that if a book or textbook had the word “evolution” in it, they were not allowed to have it in the classroom. Regardless of the book’s argument— it was the mere word “evolution.”

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