My boyfriend throws his empty water bottles behind the bed.

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“It’s ok. Mom cleans it up.”

Glue them together and make a boat out of them.

Where does he think they end up?

Is your boyfriend 13?

When was the last time your boyfriend washed his sheets?

Why the hell does he consume so much water from disposable bottles?

At 2am, my cats would be having a blast…

Imagine what your life is going to be like, constantly cleaning up after him. The signs are there

Why are women dating these men?

How the fuck are dudes like this in a relationship and I can’t even get a match on the apps. Lmao 🥲

Ex-boyfriend material

Dude…get a hydroflask or something. Those bottles are not 100% recyclable.

Your bf is a dumbass, sorry

That’s how it starts. Then you get married, and they stop trying altogether. Then they say you complain too much and the house is always a mess.

Your boyfriend is a lazy slob.

Tell him to pick up after his own lazy ass.

Boyfriend, or child?

Bottled water is such a scam. Most brands just bottle municipal tap water. Just buy a Waterdrop filter.


i’d suggest a reusable water bottle and brita …

I’m not surprised, it doesn’t look like a very comfortable bed , doesn’t even have a mattress.
He’s probably trying to build a mattress for that bed out of water bottles

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This should be his Christmas present: [](

He’s planning for when the sea level rises and he needs to craft a raft. Obviously.

Upside – at least they’re empty, and at least it’s water.

Your bf seems like a real winner

Oof can’t imagine being that lazy…

Some are probably old enough that moisture / saliva has created lovely mold colonies all along and inside the lid.

Christ, tell him to move in with contact girl…

Why don’t people just get a glass of water out of the taps? Do you all live on Mars?

Is he a child? That is just ridiculous.

You mean your man child?

Very much red flag

What a slob.

Your boyfriend is a moron

He’s a pig

They’re worth 10c where I live

Get your Boyfriend a HUGE bucket for christmas, and have him toss bottles into that! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile)


Do you intend to make a life with this dude?

Throw your bf to the curb

At least they aren’t full of piss..

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